Fairy Godmother at crack of dawn????


Parsing the same ee cummings poem for 20 years
Mar 22, 2001
I just read about the steam train tour.
My DH is a BIG TIME Train Fan.
Loves them more than me. :eek:

He would love this tour. We'll be at DW over his birthday right at the end of August.

DS is 13 and would love it too.

But DD is 5. Would also love it, but is too young.

Anybody ever have a fairy godmother book at 6:45---a.m.?

Do they come that early?
We used Fairy Godmothers, and from my conversations with Gertrude, they will come at virtually anytime. We had our babysitter arrive at 7:45am.
I've heard that the fairy godmothers are great and that they work at any time. Also, the train tour was excellent. We did it in December, and it was one of my husband's highlights of his trip.

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