Event Only Deposit Question Eeeeks!


VMK Spooky Pirate Yeti Girl of Doom
Mar 8, 2000

I've sent an e-mail off to dis2001@wdwinfo.com but I thought I would ask here as well just in case I can get the information more quickly.

If I have been able to register do I have a ticket? (I registered at 6am this morning) The reason I ask is that I am flipping a bit because everyone is racing to get their cheques in and becuase I am in Canada I am still trying to find out how much money I need to send in or if a US money order would be preferred. At any rate, if the spots go to whoever has their cheque in first I am doomed, mine will be later because I have not be told what to send and it has to go a lot further!

Do I have a spot? Have any other Canadians recieved information?



Port Orleans 2000
Taryn - you should've received an e-mail with the address for mailing the deposit. Since you're in Canada, I think a money order in the amount of $50 US is the best thing to get. Mail it today, and I think you'll be fine.
If I haven't heard anything by, say 2pm, that is exactly what I will do.

I don't want to mess this up!


Port Orleans 2000
Taryn, please mail your money order (2/12)today and there will be no problem getting your convention passes.

thanks :)


Family Board Host

Coordinator Dis Convention 2001
Taryn, I'm in the same boat as you! I can't get my money order out until tomorrow (13th), so I hope I'm not doomed! :(


Can anyone tell me if we only need to send in the $50 deposit to cover one person even if we have signed up for 4 adults or does that cover it all - deposit-wise that is? Sorry if that sounds dumb, but I just got home from a long night of driving home from the east coast. Thanks if you can help a very weary-eyed, tired person.

Whenever they call me a dreamer, I think of Walt Disney and smile:)
Hi Snowwark,

I wouldn't worry, it sounds like Linda has everything well organized... Oh, and just an FYI, my bank charges a $5.00 service charge for US Money Orders so my total with exchange was $81.92 for the $50.00 order.

Also I was going to send it express mail which is 2-4 days, but it was $7.25CDN for one little envelope! I mailed is regular post which should be seven days for 60 cents.

Good luck, I am so glad to see another Canadian going!


Port Orleans 2000
Thanks for the info Taryn, I'll make sure I get that out tomorrow! The prices we Canadians have to pay!!! :rolleyes:




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