Essential Oil, what is the purpose of this junk

I personally do not get the hype, but my dd loves her diffuser. On the plus side, it does make her room smell better than sweaty kid, and I don't have to worry about fire with candles. We had a trial of different scents. OMG, the worst was rose. I told her not to do it, but she had to try them all. My goodness her room reeked of old lady forever. It would not go away! I even put vinegar in the diffuser to try to dissipate the smell. Rose would not DIE!
I personally do not get the hype, but my dd loves her diffuser. On the plus side, it does make her room smell better than sweaty kid, and I don't have to worry about fire with candles. We had a trial of different scents. OMG, the worst was rose. I told her not to do it, but she had to try them all. My goodness her room reeked of old lady forever. It would not go away! I even put vinegar in the diffuser to try to dissipate the smell. Rose would not DIE!

Because she hogged the whole door for herself.
My diffuser has aloe and green clover oil which is the scent of Beach Club and Bay Lake Tower lobbies. The scent takes me to Disney and makes me smile and relax. That's all I expect of it.

Re headaches: As a headache sufferer for years and years, I cannot...repeat...cannot live without China Gel (Amazon). I put on back of neck and a small amount on temple and between eyebrows. Been using for years and swear by it. I keep in nightstand, car and the first thing I pack for trips. Yes, you smell it for about 30 seconds (I love the smell because to me, it's relief) and then scent gone. Sorry if I hijacked oil thread but it's kinda in the same 'family'.
My grandmother always placed a small amount of Vick’s Vapor Rub on our forehead or temples when we had a headache. We used to joke about it behind her back, for believing in an old wives tale versus the wonder of Tylenol.

But guess what, it often works, due to the menthol in the formula and too much Tylenol is bad for you.
To me, it's a rare person who can get relief for a headache from Tylenol. My family and friends say it's nothing but white Smartees. That's about how much relief we all get.

I'll take grandma's Vick's over Tylenol any day of the week.
My DH had cancer about a decade ago. He had surgery on his leg and though the cancer was dealt with he had ongoing edema. He uses cypress oil on his leg each night and it significantly reduces the edema. If he forgets to tell me he is running low and runs out prior to the new order arriving his leg will swell and be painful. I do not know how it works but for him it seems to help.
My diffuser has aloe and green clover oil which is the scent of Beach Club and Bay Lake Tower lobbies. The scent takes me to Disney and makes me smile and relax. That's all I expect of it.

Where do you find "aloe and green clover oil". The site I use for EOs doesn't have anything by that name.
I like the doTerra oils, especially the citrus ones, lavender and peppermint. They smell great in my diffusers and they are just natural oils. They are not “perfume.” DH uses one called Breathe in his CPAP machine and he likes it.
Where do you find "aloe and green clover oil". The site I use for EOs doesn't have anything by that name.
Bought it on Amazon. Can’t pull up my orders right now but will look a little later. Ordered it recently and am almost positive it was on Amazon. Found out about it from a forum entry. Will get back to u with more details.
The founder of one of the bigger essential oil direct sales companies, a company that touts the health benefits and cure-all of their brand of oils, also caused a horrible thing to happen to his newborn because he wanted to prove that babies can stay underwater until they take their first breath. Fact: They cannot.

I don't trust anything these companies push, but some oils do smell good. I would only buy them from a store though.
My doctor recommended Eucalyptus Oil to help with congestion. Put a couple of drops in a pot of boiling water and breathe in the vapors. It does help. I bough mine at the pharmacy I think it cost $8 for 30ml. Still have like 1/2 bottle and it's good until 2021.
The are also very harmful to cats and dogs. Running diffuser all day where your pets are trapped in the house breathing them in. Our Vet has a warning about using essential oil diffusers with pets on the door of her practice. Apparently she has had patients come in POISONED by them.
Aleve is where it's at. Headaches are caused by inflammation. Taking tylenol makes no sense. You need an anti inflammatory.
I'm not allowed to take aspirin, ibuprofen or Aleve because of asthma and internal bleeding this summer. I hate Tylenol.
Have a cold and just got out thymian and euculypus oils. Makes me feel much better. And I love my lavender.
