Epcot Sketch Swap~Interest Thread

Lisa, I am good either way. If you would like to do a second country for the holiday group, that's okay with me. I just wanted to make sure we got all the countries in.:)

since I'm not doing any other groups I can do the second set...or we can do rock/paper/scissors :lmao:
WMCorey posted they are looking into it... seems like off our little cozy corner the East Coast/Midwest gals are having issues...but as of late it's been okay for me...(midwest)...
anyway, Corey said they had made no changes so they are trying to figure out the issue as to why it has/is happening...
I always lose at rock/paper/scissors:lmao: so you can have it as long as you don't mind.

:rotfl: ok I will take the second group unless we get our 11th player by tomorrow!

signing off for tonight, we are going to play a game! see you bright and early tomorrow!

Just making sure i have numbers right before I go shopping and you can confirm tomorrow after sign ups...

But since I'm doing 2 countries (non-holiday), I'm good with just receiving one set... so we would each make 10 - 4 page spreads.. right???

Then each of our extra spots would be 10 - 2 page spreads for each, right??

Just making sure i have numbers right before I go shopping and you can confirm tomorrow after sign ups...

But since I'm doing 2 countries (non-holiday), I'm good with just receiving one set... so we would each make 10 - 4 page spreads.. right???

Then each of our extra spots would be 10 - 2 page spreads for each, right??

Yes, we will make 10 4-page spreads and then the other 2 topics will be 10 2-page spreads, unless we get number 11 today, which will throw us all into a tailspin :)

BTW, I wasn't having any issues - um, computer issues :rotfl2: - but I use Chrome.
We didn't discuss the second page for each country. I'm open to ideas, but I would like each second set to be comparable work. For instance, if I make an intricate Cricut cut, is it fair to only get mats and papers back?

I'm not explaining this well. The first set of two pages will have the "regular" requirements. How much work are we putting into the second set? Are we just sending 2 sheets of cardstock, a set of mats, and some paper cut to size (to match the sketch), or are we making a second set with another (complementary) title, sticking down one side, etc.?

Either way is fine with me, but it should be the same for everyone, you know?
We didn't discuss the second page for each country. I'm open to ideas, but I would like each second set to be comparable work. For instance, if I make an intricate Cricut cut, is it fair to only get mats and papers back?

I'm not explaining this well. The first set of two pages will have the "regular" requirements. How much work are we putting into the second set? Are we just sending 2 sheets of cardstock, a set of mats, and some paper cut to size (to match the sketch), or are we making a second set with another (complementary) title, sticking down one side, etc.?

Either way is fine with me, but it should be the same for everyone, you know?

I think that the second set of pages should not require a title, but some complimentary embellies. I am good with whatever the group decides.
I'm with Cassey. I think the second set should have more then just mats and backpaper. I think it should be a little like the second page from the regular sets. we don't need to stick anything but we should everything for it to flow with it.
I'm with Cassey. I think the second set should have more then just mats and backpaper. I think it should be a little like the second page from the regular sets. we don't need to stick anything but we should everything for it to flow with it.

Sounds good to me. :)
I did the 4-page LO for the parade for the AK swap...and I think what I did was add extra embellishments but no title... I think we discussed this and thought it was best not to have a title and just add a little extra goodies... ;) I didn't over do the extras because there is so much color and pop to parade its self.
Jen, just want to clarify are the Holiday pages just going to be 2 pg LO's??
I would prefer 2 page LO for the holiday group but would be willing to do what majority rules..

Also, are we bagging these separate??? I know AWM is not doing the holiday.
Yes, 2 page layouts should be fine.

I would prefer that the Holiday layouts be bagged separately (as I put in the swap sign up thread ;) ).
Jennifer has the holiday group as bagged separately in the sign-up thread. I think we are only doing 2 page layout for this.


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