Entertainment Book


Earning My Ears
Apr 28, 2001
Does anyone know where I can get an Entertainment book and what kind of savings it entitles you to
Thanks, Debbie <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Here is their web site. www.entertainment.com

You can order through there for your local area or the area that you're going to. It's $10 more out of your area. I spent $30 for mine, and I am saving over $600 on my hotel stay because of it]

[This message was edited by DawnF316 on 01-21-01 at 09:18 AM.]
This is my first post here! The Entertainment book is definitely worth it for me. You can enter a zip code at their web site and see examples of the coupon offers. Local restaurant coupons (like buy 1 entree, get 2nd free), entertainment (movies, museums, etc). You can buy the local one and still use the national section (50% off rack rate for certain hotels, car rental coupons).

The books come out in November so the one that is out now, has coupons that expire November 1, 2001

Even better, go through Mypoints for 200 points.Mypoints Click on Shopping on the left.

I have also seen it at Barnes and Noble. Possibly available at Borders books? Saves you shipping charge.
The book will get you 50% off rack at the Swan or Dolphin. That's $155 for a deluxe room in the best area on Disney property.

If interested, check out the the Swan/Dolhin FAQ by GLO on the resort board. Lots of info there.

<font size=4 color=red font face=Book Antiqua><center>Happy Valentine's Day</center></font>
<font size=4 color=blue face=BrushArt><marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<img width="200" src="http://www.swandolphin.com/images/head2.gif">
<font size=2 color=red>PO 1998
Dolphin, Poly, YC 2000
Swan June 2001
Dolphin July 2001</img>

They are available at Barnes and Noble bookstores. They usually have them at the checkouts. ;)

Beach Club/Wonder 2001
ASMo 2000
ASMu 1999
ASMu 1998
Contemporary 1996
Dixie Landings 1995
CBR 1994
Off Site 1992
Off Site 1990
Contemporary 1988
Off Site 1987
Off Site 1985
Off Site 1982
Off Site 1977
Also, check with your local schools to see if any of them are selling your local ENT book!
It's a great fundraiser for many organizations!

Your local ENT book will have alot of coupons for local merchants and restaurants....
so, it'll PAY for itself the first time you use it!


<img width="130" SRC="http://www.homestead.com/lunas_realm/files/angle.gif"><img width="120" SRC="http://members.tripod.com/~mdh44/hapvday2.gif">
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=4><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">Co-Captain/Chrtr Mbr of Swan/Dolphin Resort Cheerleading Team!</marquee><font color=red>15th Adventure-July/Aug 2001-16 Days at Dolphin & Polynesian !!!
</font><font size=4>16th Adventure-Nov/Dec 2001-6 Days at Swan for DIS Convention !!!


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