Emtertainment Rates for flying?

DW mouser

DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2000
Anyone ever used their entertainment card to get good rates from continental or northwest airlines?Just wondered if it was a good deal or not. Hadn't heard it mentioned here. If not, where is everyone getting good rates? It certainly is higher then last year!! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
I used the entertainment card to get 5% off my airfare with NW (continental airlines offers it too). There are restrctions, tho of course. Are there other ent. card airfare offers out there?
That is the going rate for the EC rates...but we have called continental before and they have had "unadvertised specials" that we were offered for changing our departure time. The discounts were better in past years with EC.


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