Eek! Thinking of making a last minute trip...


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
Need some tips. DH and I have been through a rough few weeks and are thinking about going to Florida for a few days (3 or 4). Any tips on how to get a cheap motel, flight & car?? I can't use priceline for a flight as I am Canadian. Thanks in advance!
Budget car rental is fairly cheap in Florida.

As long as you have a few weeks - the airlines are running specials right now, so tickets shouldn't be too bad.

Check out the hotels on this site under the budget category.

Have fun and good luck! (hope things are looking up for you)
We are from Canada as well. Do you live close the US boarder? We are considering driving 8 hours to catch our flight (in the US)(it will leave later on in the day). This way we are paying around $990.00CAN on 4 tickets instead of the $2200.00 we would pay if we left from our city. If you are interested in renting a car and wondering what the cost would be in CDN check out, which converts to Canadian $$. Good luck and have a wonderful trip.


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