Easter Parade


Earning My Ears
Aug 23, 1999
Is there an Easter Parade at Disneyland on Easter Sunday?

I will be there at the DIsneyland Hotel and in the park for the first time in 44 years!!!!
Please does anyone know or know where I could inquire.

It is the kind of thing I would plan around if the event existed. Picture a stroll down Mainstreet with the cast members sauntering along to Easter Bonnet. A soft shoe performed here or there, glorious hats, bustled dresses.

I am working in the wrong field.
That would be the icing on the cake for us. I hope so!!! Any DL experts know?
<font color=blue size=4>WELCOME BARBJ AND NIAGARA2 TO THE DIS!!! :)</font> and here's a little ~*~bump~*~ to see if we can get someone to answer this. :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
I thought that in the past the Easter parade was taped earlier (from WDW) and then aired on TV on Easter Sunday.

I checked at Disney.com and there isn't an Easter parade listed in the schedule of events at DL for that date. So, unfortunately, it doesn't look like there will be one. :(


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