Molokai Gram

<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=magen
Oct 12, 1999
Aloha old friend :)

I am sorry I missed you guys in Chat and I notice in comments today, you discussed the changes.

Please, what can I expect in March when I stay at the HRH and have a seasonal annual pass? I promised not to tell anyone else! ;)

Mahalo. :D
I'm sorry, but the entire program applies only to residents of the continental United States and Canada. (hehe)
Oh, sorry again, I misspoke. It only applies to residents of land masses surounded on no more than three sides by water.
So I guess that island peoples, (including JessicaR I might add ;) ) will still be under the current rules and we have FOTL all day with no restrictions? Universal's aloha spirit is wonderful! :)
Oh, but a mistake again on my part, it's the continental U.S. and Canada AND not surrounded on more than three sides by water. (LOL)
So, if I understand you correctly, Universal is only extending the aloha spirit to those of us from the 50th state and we will not be bound by the new FOTL restrictions? ;) Is that because we are coming from so far away? Will the aloha spirit be extended to all of the group? That would make our March meets extra special! :)

BTW, why is it that Universal is one of the only big parks not to offer a luau?
Not exactly, there's something about being met by an armed guard with a mean dog. Wait, that would be a old, mean dog wouldn't it?

Mean? Please note I am not the one that added that adjective. ;) Do you know Dr. Doom?
Ok...Lets review...heres what we know (or think we know) from reading these boards.

Earl is OLD, mysterious, mean, escorted by a armed guard, dresses in pink, scares guests...

JUST KIDDING EARL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the question remains...Hey Earl, you going to make an appearance at the meet? I may have to come over that weekend to see you all! Glad this isn't a Disney Meet....I'd get decked....

Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!
BARNEY STUCK IN MY HEAD! ok, well maybe not! The threat still lingers.

So Hey Earl, whats up??? Give up on the email addy??? Come on, go read your email!

Molokai Gram still upset you missed your flight the other friday???
Does weekly attendance to a theme park constitute an addict?

If so, I am Doomed!

Disney, USF, IOA, BGT, SW weekly since 1997
Quarterly since birth!


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