E-night replacement for Timekeeper?

WDWfan uk

<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
The closure of Timekeeper will mean only 8 rides open for e-night, I would expect them to substitute a ride, anyone heard what that might be?
I don't have any idea but it would be nice if POTC would be open on a regular basis instead every now and then...
My guess would be POTC since it's been part of E Ride night before.

Care to enlighten us Safari Steve?
Oooooh! PoTC would be great wouldn't it? I've never been able to catch it open on an e-night! Fingers crossed.

Most likely POTC, that is there next best ride and it would make the most sense unless, a big unless if the put magic Carpets of Aladdin. That would make sens to me to promote this new ride! :bounce:
Sorry to say that POTC is NOT the replacement for Timekeeper. The Tomorrowland Transitland Authority is the replacement. Just did e-nite this week.
Thanks for the info Nancy1801.

Kind of silly to waste an e-night on it though. I was going to say the same thing about Pirates. I don't know about any one else, but I certainly have never waited for either of these two. Even though for us "old timers" it was only a "D" ticket I thought Peter Pan or maybe Pooh would have been a better choice.

Ah! SILLY ME!! That would mean they'd have to open a whole new land!! HEAVENS THE COST!! Where's your brain??? Instead let's give them a ride that has NO line at all, any time of the day. What wonderful people they are. Always looking out for our magic like that. Kind of gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling all over.
Wow Landbaron! That dose of magic wore off quick. Good thing you're going again in August...

I think that is great news. My fiancee and I both love the TTA (I proposed on it) and we both live in constant fear that Disney will shut it down. Even though making it an E-Night attraction does not mean it's now off the chopping block, the fact that Disney turned to it to take over on E-Nights has to be good news.
I too Love the WEDway people mover (Your all heathens for using the new name), but truth be told, PotC often has long lines, and with the addition of Aladin to the area, I would expect more park traffic and thus even longer lines. The first and Last time I expireanced E-nights, PotC was open and it was magical, I always feel Pirates and Haunted MAnsion are better at night.

Ironically, the lines for Pirates at Disneyland seemed to always be obsecene. I'll welcome the occasional shot Pirates line in florida next trip.
I call it the WEDway Peoplemover, too. Tomorrowland Transit Authority, HAH!


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