We have been so excited planning out our trip with our 2 sons, trying to get them involved in every aspect. We are 30 days out and guess what happens! He comes home from school with a paper announcing this big field trip for all the 2nd grade to Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science. And . . . you guessed it, one of the days we are in Disney. My son has not missed 1 BLESSED DAY of school this year. He will only miss the 5 1/2 days while we are in Disney and Murphy's Law throws this at us. He actually cried when I told him the date. How do I cheer up my little sweetheart? I keep telling him, "but think where you're going to be!" so far it hasn't helped. He was really looking forward to this field trip all year long with all his school friends.
Sorry this is long, but I am a broken hearted Mommy and I'm venting.
Suggestion on cheering us both up would be appreciated. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
[This message was edited by Chicklet on 04-19-01 at 10:29 PM.]
Sorry this is long, but I am a broken hearted Mommy and I'm venting.
Suggestion on cheering us both up would be appreciated. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
[This message was edited by Chicklet on 04-19-01 at 10:29 PM.]