DS now bummed out about our trip!


Earning My Ears
Sep 29, 2000
We have been so excited planning out our trip with our 2 sons, trying to get them involved in every aspect. We are 30 days out and guess what happens! He comes home from school with a paper announcing this big field trip for all the 2nd grade to Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science. And . . . you guessed it, one of the days we are in Disney. My son has not missed 1 BLESSED DAY of school this year. He will only miss the 5 1/2 days while we are in Disney and Murphy's Law throws this at us. He actually cried when I told him the date. How do I cheer up my little sweetheart? I keep telling him, "but think where you're going to be!" so far it hasn't helped. He was really looking forward to this field trip all year long with all his school friends.

Sorry this is long, but I am a broken hearted Mommy and I'm venting.

Suggestion on cheering us both up would be appreciated. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>

[This message was edited by Chicklet on 04-19-01 at 10:29 PM.]
I don't know how far it is from your home, but mayber you can plan a special day that your entire family can go to the field trip location. That way he'll know he's not missing anything. He sounds like my son...wear's his heart on his sleeve! Don't worry...once he gets to the park, he'll have a great time!
My son's end of the year field trip falls while we will be at Disney too. Fortunately it is at the zoo and we go every year, so he has been a lot. But when he told me, I thought Oh no, he's going to be disappointed. Just take your son and maybe a friend to the space center yourself. Once he's at Disney he'll forget about it, I'm sure. But I know how we mom's hate for our children to be disappointed and to feel left out. I'm sure it will all work out for you. Hang in there!
dd is in grade 2 as well. We leave tomorrow for wdw. Next week is EDUCATION WEEK at school and there is a HUGE open house with concerts and stuff. dd's class is singing in the concert and we'll miss it. We learned about this several weeks ago and started to prepare dd. I told her that there would likely be a concert at school she'll miss but we will be at wdw having fun. I placed attention to Blizzard Beach and other things that she is looking forward too. It's hard for you all now, but during the trip your ds will ENJOY IT SOOOOO MUCH!

I remember going as a kid too, I remember my dad getting upset with me when he planned a SURPRISE trip to WDW at the end of the school year and I was bummed out because I would 'miss something' in the neighbourhood. I don't remember much about the neighbourhood NOW but I remember just about every moment of WDW and I am grateful to my dad for his planning and patients!


1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
I am sure once you get to Disney he will be all excited and not care as much. My girlfrien's daughter missed last years end of the year picnic which was at my home so what we did was have several of the kids that played together have a picnic again at our house. Kids had a blast. Maybe you could ask him to pick a few friends and when you get back go to the museum. Just a thought. It is a nice place to take the kids

She is all upset because she will have to miss 4 days of school and 1 day of dance lessons when we go in May--oh darn, I'll have to miss work!!!

Funny thing is, I told my husband when we were 1st together(any excuse to have fun was our motto) that I could just see it--we are all psyched to go to the beach--, WDW or anything fun, and our child would probably say ,"OH, I'm sorry Mom and Dad, but I've got to study" Funny how things happen that way ;)

Have a Wonderful day, Eeyore
Thanks so much for your consolation. I will probably end up going this summer with him which I did tell him and he said "it's not the same!" I know it's not, but that's all I've got!

It didn't help today when he came home and I asked him if he told his teacher about his disappointment and she just said "Oh well kiddo". I guess it's all in the tone you say it, but I thought that wasn't much consolation from her! Again, broken hearted Mom talking here. Just can't help it.


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
These kind of situations pop up more and more as your children get older and become more and more involved in sports, church, friends. Think of it as an important life lesson for your son. It hurts like heck to see them sad, but what important life lessons. !. Choices are tough
2. You certainly can't always get what you want
I don't know if this helps you. It keeps me grounded with my own kids when dissappiontments come along. MJ
We are in the same boat. I have 4 children and we will be in disney may 5-12. During that time they are missing a total of 8 soccer and baseball games between them, my sons first grade family mass, grandparents day, and one of our closest friends communion. At first they were pretty bummed. We have never been to disney. I told each of them that if they wanted to stay home and not miss their activities they could stay with grandma and the rest of us would still go. That seemed to change their minds pretty quickly because I made the decision their responsibilty. The could decide to stay or go. Of course I would have been heart broken if they all did not go but I trusted my mothers instinct and new that they would chose disney. Only 14 more days to go !
I guess you are right about the life lesson. Might as well get them use to these things when they are young, because it will start happening more and more often. The initial hurt is gone, now it's just a little disappointing. As each day gets closer to our trip, he will just keep building his excitement. 28 days!

Thank for all your kind words and for helping me through my little life "bump" in the road. I am so thankful! :D


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
The truth is with today's busy lifestyle there is never a time when you are not going to miss something. With that said...My daughter brought home a field trip permission slip yesterday, and you guessed it we're gone to Disney. I look at it as a day that she's not missing lessons and a day of make-up work she won't have to do when we return!


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