Driving NY to WDW


Earning My Ears
Aug 19, 1999
Please help plan drive to/from NY area to WDW! I figured leave 4am, drive around 12 hrs, stop overnight in Florence, SC. This would avoid DC/NY/NJ rush hour traffic on way down.
Then next morning, 6-7am drive to WDW, arrive 1-2pm.

What about coming back? Where's the best place to stop to avoid DC traffic, and when is the rush hour in AM and PM?

All help appreciated. We've always flown but DH/DDs REFUSE to fly! :p
Hi from Jessup, Md. (1/2 way between DC and Baltimore)! Rush hour is usually from about 4-4:30 to about 6-6:30. The AM is usually from about 6:30 to about 9. If there is an accident it could be much earlier to much later though. I have gone out at 2 in the afternoon and hit traffic-you just never know. I would stop in southern Va. to avoid the Va. traffic going to Md. in the afternoon. Hope this helps!
After three trips I try to avoid rush hour all together by traveling on the weekends or at least one weekend day. But I'm flying this time!!!:D :D
We drive from Southampton, NY to WDW every time we go. We usually stay around the Florence/Santee SC area on the way down and on the way back in the Emporia Virginia area.
In the Florence area we like the Hampton Inn just off the I95. In Santee, we stayed at Clarke's. We also ate at their restaurant & would stay & eat there again.
You are wise to plan like this--you don't want to be anywhere NEAR DC duiring rush hour--!!
We drove down in December-stopped at Florence SC on way down and Emporia Va. on way back.
On your way down, if you are getting tired, a good stop is Fayetteville NC. Lots of Hotels, and it only about an hour north of Florence. On your trip home, you could stop at Rockey Mount.


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