Drinks at CityWalk restaurants.....


Dis Veteran
Feb 11, 2000
Is it okay to go into any of the restaurants on CityWalk just for a beer? Is there a seperate bar area at any of them where kids would be welcome - just to sit down and chill out for a while??

If so, any recommendations?


All places except possibly Emeril's have a bar thing going on. Jimmy Buffett's is really good. There's also plenty of seats and tables right next to the bar for the kids. All places are pretty much bar/restaurants.

"Compose your final, loathesome dirge!"
Emeril's has a great bar that you can sit at and just have a drink. I recommend the "Emeril Sky"

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I would say Jimmy Buffett's is the best. Our 2 boys(3 and 5) loved it,especally the Volcano going off.
Jimmy Buffet's has this frozen banana rum drink that is fabulous (I can't remember what they call it). They have chairs set out front as well where you can have your drinks while the kids hang out. There is also a nice gift shop there where you can browse at the same time.
Thanks all. I guess I'll just have to try all the bars to find the best one! (sigh, what a chore! :D :D)


That Banana Drink at Margaritaville is called Havanas and Bananas and its sooo yummy! Also had a Perfect Margarita and you get a souvenir glass to take home! Have fun Xavier!! You have your work cut out for you... :D



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