DreamRes and Starwoods


Earning My Ears
Jan 13, 2001
Hi..I made a reservation through DreamRes for a couple of room at the Dolphin. Does anyone know how I go about getting the points on my Starwoods Card? Also, if anyone has use DreamRes, can you pay for your reservation ahead? I would like to have it paid off before I go. And also (while I am at it) how soon do the points show up on your Starwoods Card? Thanks for any info anyone might have.
You can just show your Starwoods card at check-in to get your points.

And it seems to take a couple of weeks for points to show up after I leave WDW..

Sorry, I can't help with the pre-payment through DreamRes. I'm not sure how that works. If they just make your ressie for you and then you're own your own, I would think that you can call the Dolphin and make payments.
If DreamsRes does more than that, then I'm not sure.


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