Dont stay at holiday inn maingate west


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2002
We had reservations at HI maingate west for New Years Eve and New
Years Day. I wanted a suite and was quoted 89.00. Iasked if the suite was a
seperate room.They said yes. This place was terrible. The suite was a
partition around some beds. The partition was painted black with animals
on it on the side that faced out. I did not even enter the whole room. My husband
met me at the door and said WER ARE NOT STAYING HERE. Just from standing at the door way and looking in was enough for me. We wanted no smoking the room from the doorway smelt like smoke and Lysol GROSS. I went down and told them it was unacceptable and looked at a regular room and it was the same. I was so mad because here we were on New Years Eve
with no hotel room. We went to three other hotels all fulll. We finally stayed at the Ramada
Do not waste your time with the Holiday Day Inn Maingate west.
Unfortunately, I had to spend time at that "hotel". I stayed there in 1999, and evidently not much has changed. Poor condition of the rooms, power outages throughout the hotel during my 1999 stay, charges made on my bill for a fridge that I requested but did not receive, a billed amount greater than what it was supposed to be, and the absolute worst part was a staff that didn't care....the staff seemed to act like THEY were on vacation and the guests were "bothering" them. Add a very "loud conversation" with the supposed manager that I had and it all summed up to a very bad experience. In the end, my bill was rectified, but I will never forget the hassle and the indifference. To all of you who are even thinking of staying there, I have one word: "BEWARE" ...
I stayed there once, never again. The room was small and smelled like mold, which I'm allergic to. The hallways are exterior and I didn't feel safe. No deadbolts on the room door. I couldn't park my car where I could see it. Rt. 192 is the tackiest road around. Yuck!

The weekend I was there it rained the whole time. I was stuck in that lousy room and just wanted to go home. Imagine, being greatful that you are leaving.

Although this wasn't the worst place I've stayed in Orlando (that honor goes to Silverleaf Suites) the HI MG West ranks second worst in my book.


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