Donald from Artist Point


Nov 21, 2022
Someone recently posted a thread about some unusual service they received at Artist Point from a server named Donald. That thread is now closed, but I just wanted to say that I just checked my photos and Donald was our server at Artist Point last November and we thought he was fantastic. The poster on the previous thread mentioned that their server gave them suggestions of things to say to the characters and that was what tipped me off that it might be the same person, but the rest of our experience was very different. Quite the opposite of forgetting our drinks, he literally brought my son a new soft drink every time he came out. Also, as my son had just turned 10 we paid adult price for him to eat chicken fingers, so Donald brought him a week's worth of chicken fingers and a to-go box when he couldn't finish. Donald was certainly an interesting character, but we had a very positive experience. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone happens to get Donald as their server in the future.


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