Doing the Priceline Happy Dance!


DIS veteran
Aug 29, 1999
I just scored the brand new 2.5* Courtyard Marriott Village for 12/25 - 12/30 for only $20 (plus $20 AMEX Bonus) per night! Total price to me is only $125.95 for 5 days. This is the busiest time of year at WDW :eek:!

It's very close to WDW, the Crossroads, and the Little Lake Bryan outlet mall. It has a refigerator in the room, a food court and we can walk to the new Bahama Breeze. It also has a free shuttle to the parks, but we drive everywhere. Here's the URL for the place:

We won't be missing NYE at WDW :D. We're moving onsite into a 1 bedroom over at BWV (we're DVC members) for another 5 days.

Tappity - tappity - tap - tap - tap!

-- Robin

[This message was edited by robinb on 03-02-01 at 06:51 PM.]
What a great deal for that time of year (or any time of year, really). I wouldn't have thought Priceline would have any rooms this far in advance at an inexpensive rate like that. You really scored on that bid! Congrats!
Looks like a really neat place. What are the other 2 1/2* offered on priceline?

The Courtyard is the only 2.5* in the WDW area that I am aware of. Of course, that may change at any time! I just saw a new 2.5* come up in the Universal/Sea World zone today, the Amerisuites Convention Center.

-- Robin
Great job! We got the Courtyard Buena Park (Los Angeles) for an upcoming trip thru Priceline for 7 nts. @ $17/ bonus. I was so happy - considering we usually stay at Motel 6 or Thriftlodge.

You will love Bahama Breezes - we ate there 9/00 and loved it! The atmosphere, the food and the drinks were fabulous.

Is your Courtyard near Disneyland? I'm trying to rev up a trip to DL for my 40th :eek: birthday in April. I'm looking to fly on miles and Priceline the hotel. I'll make my hubby take me out to dinner on my birthday. Heck ... he got to go to Cindy's for breakfast on his last birthday!

-- Robin


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