Doggy Doors!


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Jul 27, 2000
Who has one in thier house, and do the dog/dogs actually USE them?:confused: Thanks.
we have sort of an untraditional doggie door... but it's the best! People are fascinated by it when they come to our house..

it opens the ENTIRE patio door, so we didn't have to put holes in the wall.. our dog just wears a transmitter on his collar so when he goes to the door it opens.. and then closes..

it's awesome :)
Tantorini, that is so neat!

Poohbear123, I've never had a doggy door. I've always wondered how people who have them can be sure that only <i>their</i> dog comes in and not raccoons, neighborhood cats, other dogs or possums :confused:
We have a doggy door off of our garage so the dog can go in and out of the garage all day when we arent home. Although another animal feasibly could get in, we have never had that problem. However, I also have to say if it were going right into my house, I would probably feel less secure.

That being said, the door is awesome, it took 10 minutes and a few tempting treats to teach him.....and we doggy sit for others and they always pick up on it real easy.
Originally posted by Tantorini
we have sort of an untraditional doggie door... but it's the best! People are fascinated by it when they come to our house..

it opens the ENTIRE patio door, so we didn't have to put holes in the wall.. our dog just wears a transmitter on his collar so when he goes to the door it opens.. and then closes..

it's awesome :)

THat is sooo cool! I never seen anything like that before!
We have one also, it is great! Never have had any problems with other animals, just my son and his friends messing around trying to get through it!
we have the traditional doggie door. works fine.

only issue is new puppy figures it out and bolts outside every chance she gets. she doesn't have an invisible fence collar yet and would be gone in a hart beat so doggie door is out of service for a while
This would have to go into my back door. I have a security door after the back door, but would need a lock for the doggy door also. I have no sliding glass door, so that will not work.;)
We have a friend that installed there's through an exterior wall in the downstair Mud/bathroom...

can't wait to get the puppy invisible fence trained....few more months though....having to open and close the door for the big dog is annoying...:teeth: :teeth:
Originally posted by nativetxn
Tantorini, that is so neat!

Poohbear123, I've never had a doggy door. I've always wondered how people who have them can be sure that only <i>their</i> dog comes in and not raccoons, neighborhood cats, other dogs or possums :confused:

My concern too.
Have a doggy door and my dog uses it. It isn't into the house but from the screened back porch to the back yard.
Also have a doggy/kitty door in a bathroom where the cat pan is so that door can be kept shut. Cats use it but it is too small for the dog. Planned that way.
We have one. The dogs use it all the time. We have had an occasional bird get in. We've also had a few wasps (YUCK!).
I have one and love it! My dog and 4 cats use it all the time. Of course, I keep the kitties safe from harm by having a Cat Fence so they can't leave the yard and other strays can't get in though.

It actually has come in handy a few times when I've locked myself out of the house, too ;)
We have one between the laundry room and garage, because the litter box used to be in our garage. We've played with the idea of putting another door into the back yard from the garage, but I worry that kitty would go out or a neighboring kitty would come in. It'd be great for our dogs, though. They had no trouble learning how to go in and out.
My parents have had them in two houses now, and all the dogs have loved them! Other animals shouldn't be a problem (maybe rarely) if you have a fence, which you should if you care at all about your dog's safety.

BTW, what is a cat fence? I can't have a doggie door now because I have cats, and they can get over the 6' fence via the trees. I suppose I could get one of the doggie doors that requires the collar in order to open, if I ever get out of this rental house.
I had one in my old house. It was on the slider door, the stationary door was moved over on foot from the frame, the doggy door had a panel that went in between the stationary panel and the frame, with the doggy door on the bottom. My dogs learned how to use it in less then 1/2 hour. We also had a 6 foot block wall fence around the yard, so no problems with any other animals. I wreally liked it, I never had to worry about getting up to let them out. Now I don't have one and it is a PITA to get up at all hours of the night with them. I know that;s my fault, they learned that by having the door for 9 years.

I have seen them installed in walls of peoples homes, too.
We3 have a dog and 3 cats. We don't have a doggy door, but we have a kitty door which leads to a cage in the garage. This is were we keep the kitty box, so we don't have a mess & smell in the house. It works wonders. Our dog can stick her head out to see who's in the garage.


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