Dog owners! I was just curious about something...


<font color=green>Mouseketeer<br><font color=purpl
May 1, 2004
If you have insomnia can you go and wake your dog in the middle of the night and have him just hang out with you and keep you company or will he just roll over and go back to sleep?

I just wonder if one breed is more apt to keep an owner company no matter what time of night and what others might really need their beauty sleep...(I know, believe me, I debated whether or not I should post something so trivial...I was JUST bored enough to do it. :blush: )
Golden Retrievers are always willing to keep you company, even if you wake them up out of a sound sleep. At least our dog was like that :D
TiggerPiglet said:
Golden Retrievers are always willing to keep you company, even if you wake them up out of a sound sleep. At least our dog was like that :D
::yes:: I would have to agree with this statement! My golden retriever would be THRILLED to keep you company day or doesn't matter what he's doing, if you call him, he's there! He's especially happy if petting is involved!
Our miniature schnauzer likes to get up with me if I get up in the middle of the night. She sleeps in a crate and knows she is not to come out. She usually makes some noise and if I invite her out she runs out ready to cuddle on the couch.
I think most dogs are like that. Ours are always where we are no matter what time of day or night.
I think it depends on the personality of the dog.
I have 2 beagles. One would stay in bed until she's ready to get up. She's a dog that cherishes her beauty sleep. The other will follow me along no matter what I was doing or when I woke up.
These are such cute vignettes of a dog's life!:)

But you know those seemingly cool and aloof dogs like Weimaraners and German Shepherds...are they as willing to give up what they're doing I wonder?

ETA: I didn't see the beagle whe I posted! So beagle's can be aloof too, it seems.;)
Molly's my Cocker Spaniel, wherever I go she goes.
She sleeps on the bottom of our bed, if I get up, she gets up. Sometimes she's really sleeping (snoring) and she doesn't hear me leave right away, but as soon as she knows I'm gone, she up, hunting me down.
Maybe she thinks it's cookie time?! :love:
We have a German Shepherd. He adores my DH. If I even TALK to my DH, Simon (the dog) will run over to him...I guess if DH is giving attention, Simon figures he'll hone in on it. :rolleyes: But very often, Simon will just be EXTREMELY alert to what's going on around him, but will sit or lay there waiting for his cue to participate. Once you say anything to him tho, he's ready and eager for some interaction, particularly if it involves a tummy rub (his).
You all are making me laugh and laugh-I really want a dog!

More dog stories!!! :cheer2:
My dogs follow me all over, all the time! Even if I tell one of them or both of them to stay, they follow me. LOL! They're my babies. I have a Boxer/Lab that is almost 2 and a Flat-Coated Retriever who must be heading for his senior years soon. He's getting gray!
I think it does depend on the breed. Most dogs love to be with you, but the hunting and service type dogs are more likely to be focused on their owners. My yellow lab will take every step with me, no matter the time of day or night. If I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he goes to the door and waits. My irish setter loves my husband the most, so he will stay near him and sleep, and not escort me to the potty.

However, a walk outside in the middle of the night would be greeting with great joy by the setter, no matter who took him and even if he was flopped on his back in a dead sleep. I know - we've done it.
I have to agree with MaryAnn - my Shepard/mix just loves my husband too...even collows him to the bathroom and waits outside the door!!
When we moved to this house, initially they slept in my room. After a couple months of the retriever on the floor and the boxer/lab in the bed, I sent them both out. Ever since then they sleep on the floor right outside my door. If I'm not careful and looking, I trip over them. :) I think I can pretty much throw out my alarm clock because the boxer/lab cries outside my door every morning by 5:45 if not earlier. :rolleyes: They are adorable!!
My baby (that would be the adorable pup in my avatar) sleeps with us, so if one of us gets up, he is dying to come along as well - course, he cant get off the bed (or on it, for that matter) so we have to put him on the ground and let him come.

Sometimes, if i get up to use the restroom or something quickly, I will leave him there - and if he's tired enough, he curl back upto DH and wait my arrival. But sometimes he sits on the edge of the bed and whines and cries. That's when DH just wakes up and sticks him on the floor =)
German Shepherds are aloof to strangers but definitely not to their owners. ;) Yes, mine will be right by your side day or night, rain or shine, in sickness and in health, etc... extremely loyal and intelligent; do not want to let you out of their sight for even a minute. Sometimes that can be a pain if they're underfoot (like when you're cooking dinner) but I wouldn't have it any other way. Really great company. ::yes::
ballroombelle said:
If you have insomnia can you go and wake your dog in the middle of the night and have him just hang out with you and keep you company or will he just roll over and go back to sleep?

I own a pomeranian and he will keep me company any time of the night :cool1:
My dog, a chocolate lab, will go wherever I go, day or night. :)
My German Shepherd 'Zeus' is with me constantly (as he is right now - laying at my feet!) If I wake up during the night, he is right next to me. Gosh, I love my dog!
Our pug would go back to sleep.


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