Does Disney do anything special on the Magic for Birthdays?


Earning My Ears
Aug 28, 2000

I was just wondering if They will do something special for my 6 year old for her birthday-- Or is it up to the parents? I would gladly pay for a special cake or character-- but I was just wondering what they would offer!
Thanks-- we leave 02/02/02
I'm wondering the same thing.. and also if there's anything extra special DCL would do for a 50th birthday.
We celebrated dd's 9th on our 1-5 cruise.

We told our wonderful servers, Vlado and Mark..and our head
server, MacLean that we wanted to celebrate her bd on a certain
night. They brought her a cake, several servers came and sang HB to her and MacLean gave her a special HB Disney pin.

I had brought several gifts from home for her to open..and by
Thursday night she'd already opened all of them!!! So I bought
her a DCL mug, a coloring book and a cute little Disney cruise
dress for her to open that night at the table.

And the first day of the cruise...I had a special gift delivered to
our cabin. I had Shirley at THE PERFECT GIFT make a special
gift "box" for her birthday from Mickey and Minnie. Shirley
put all of dd's favorite things in the has a picture of a cruise ship on the sides and she is still playing with the play
horse set!!!!

I've never seen a character come to the tables..but all of this
is special to kids. Shoot...nobody ever sings HB to me or gives
me a special pin!!! lol


My DS celebrated his 8th birthday last week on the Magic and Maclane the head waiter did all of the above. He was great all week too. My DS wore his birthday pin to the lab that nite and they gave him a Ship pillow case. It was unexpected and so appreciated. He slept on it all week and the first nite home he had tears in his eyes as he laid his head to sleep on this magical pillow case as he missed the cruise so much....thanks DCL as my DS will treasure this kind gift and gesture for a long, long time!
I wanted to do something special for DW's big 30. Is there any special arrangement to be made either on the Wonder or Magic (I'm willing to pay for it)?
I mentioned to our TA that my DD would be having her birthday on the 1st night of our 1/21 cruise last year and she told me she would notify DCL to let them know. During dinner I mentioned to our servers that it was DD's birthday and saw a surprised look on head server Danjiul's face. Later, along with the other desserts we'd ordered, he brought out a small BD cake with a white choc. mickey on it. They sang Happy Birthday and even though she's an adult, my DD loved all the attention. As we were leaving, Danjiul told me he'd been given the following night 1/22 as her birthday and was so glad he'd heard us talking. So if your TA is handling any special events you might want to double check with dining services yourself. On our trip this past fall it was my DGrD's 10th birthday and I just waited until she wasn't in the room and called guest services and asked them to let our waitstaff know it was her BD that day. She too was excited and thrilled with the fuss at dinner. They also gave her a BD pin. There were no charges for these celebrations.
Will they do anything special for an anniversary? DH and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary on the ship. Also, I plan to make Palos ressies for that night, will they do something special for us? Any answers are appreciated!
DCL will provide a small cake for a birthday or anniversary after dinner on the evening you select.

If you desire, you can order gifts through Magical Treasures to be in your stateroom on embarkation day. I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary on board the Magic in 2000 and it was special just being on board the ship for the occasion! :)


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