Does anyone schedule a "date night" with your spouse at WDW?


Earning My Ears
Nov 10, 2000
My wife and I are trying to plan a date night evening and are trying to figure out how to handle our 10 (will be turning 11) yr old daughter. We have friends in Orlando who, I know, would be happy to watch her. I'm just searching out all options. We were thinking about getting a ticket to D-Quest for our friends 2 kids so the three of them could do D-Quest while my wife and I do Circ. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Oh, we are staying on-site at the AS-Music.
There was just a big thread on this-sitters in DisneyWorld. Page down to "Should we have a 20/20 investigation, etc." You will get many opinions on this.
when my dh and i had date night at wdw, we luckily had my brother crashing with us to watch them that night.

my BIL who goes several times a year usually sends his kids (8 and 10) to one of the "clubs" at the resorts. the kids loved it. and at that age i think you can trust disney with them. its more of the shaken baby syndrome thing that id be worried about.
we do every trip! But we are also very lucky to have a wonderful mother and step dad who come with! So they watch them for us. We usual do it on the day we arrive. A very nice and expensive dinner! Then we go to down town Disney and walk around! Kids have a ball with Grandma since they don't get to see them for awhile. They live about 2 hours from Disney. But give it a try!

My DH and I are planning one right now. The big question is whether we should have it alone or with my sister who will also be there. My parents and my husband's parents will be there to watch the kids. Right now, I'm leaning towards a day at Sea World at Discovery Cove. Our daughter is only 19 months old and we don't get away much ;).

-- Robin
My DH and I have "date night" at the Flying Fish restaurant. Our 10yr old does the babysitting for the other kids yet we stay at the BWV and have two-way radios we can talk to her from the table. It worked out great this past trip, first time we've tried it.

<IMG src="" ></P>
CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

We have always gone to WDW with my In-laws so my DH and I have always gotten a night out on the town (Usually Pleasure Island). This year the in-laws will not be going but there is a group of 27 of us going.

One night the 14 adults will be going out to dinner and to PL. The kids will either be staying at the hotel or at the campground by them selves. The oldest will be 15 and the youngest will be 7. I am somewhat nervous about this but, we will have cell phones with us and the kids will have strick instructions not to leave the hotel room or RVs. :eek:

Any suggestions would help...


PO Riverside 6/01 :D
I hear that the Neverland Club is fantastic. Do a search on this site about it. Have fun!


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