Does anybody here get "weekend bonus" pay?

Papa Deuce

<font color="red">BBQ loving, fantasy football pla
Sep 29, 2003
We're heading into our contract negotiations soon. Our overnight crew gets a 15% premium for working that shift. I would like to see our union get this same bonus for working weekends which is also an undesireable shift for most of our workers.

My union rep has asked me to find out whether any other profession gets a "bonus" for working weekends.
What profession are you in?
Nurses get shift differential and in some places weekend differential.
Our employees get 10% differential for 2nd shift, 15% differential for 3rd shift, time and a half for over 40 hours/week or 8 hours/day, and double time for Sundays. But it is very rare for anyone to ever work weekends in our plant.

Denae :flower1:
We get an extra dollar an hour for working Sunday (all shifts) at my store. I dont know if its a company thing or just as we live in a very predominatly religious area way to get people to work that day...

We get a 10% night differential for hours worked between 6:00pm and 6:59am.

Sunday is paid at time and one half.
Time and one half is also paid for over 40 hrs/week or 8 hrs/day.
A meal allowance of $9.50 is paid for working an extra 2 hrs past the 8 hr shift.
I work in Broadcast TV. We get time and half for over 8. Double Time and half for working a holiday. 15% extra for working overnights.... but about 15 of us work EVERY WEEKEND and I know that for most of us this would not be our choice.
I work weekend alternative. I get an additional 10% for the first 8 hours that I work on Sat. & Sun. I get an additional 15% for the next 4 hours (I work 12 hour shifts). I also get an additional 8 hours of pay every week. This was I can work 2 days a week & still get full time pay. I can take off one weekend overy 16 weeks. I love it. :)
my dh gets 25% weekend differential. he's in technical customer field support.
we get nothing extra for working our "regular weekend" (everyone works every other weekend) but if we work on our weekend off, we get a bonus.

DH and I both work for Verizon, but are in different locals. We both get double time for Sundays. I get an extra $25 for Saturday. If he works a Saturday it's always OT, he gets time and a half for the first 8 hours of OT and double time after that.
I am a RN. We get an extra $1/hr for weekend shifts. If we work weekend cadre (3 12 hous shifts F,S,S) We are paid for 40 hours rather than 36. Benefits and vacation are also based on the 40 hours rather than 36.
I work in a factory. If you have a weekend shift say sunday-tuesday you get an dollar more an hour for all your hours during the whole week. Friday-Sunday shifts are 2 dollars more. 2nd shift .40 more and 3rd .60 more. Now if a regular 1st shift mon-fri works weekend or extra hours at night they just get the regular overtime.
we get 15 percent if its anything other than 6am-6pm....and all day long on Saturday and Sunday.
Disneyland_emily said:
We get an extra dollar an hour for working Sunday (all shifts) at my store. I dont know if its a company thing or just as we live in a very predominatly religious area way to get people to work that day...


Believe it or not, when I started working for K-Mart in 1988, they paid an extra dollar an hour for Sunday work and that was in VA. They even paid every Friday in CASH! They obviously don't do that
RN here. We used to get an extra $5/day for Sat.and Sun. They cut that out many years ago. There are special rates for RN's who ONLY work weekends, though.
Aloha, Chuck.

My d/h works at Costco. They pay "time and a half" on Sundays.



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