Do you feel guilty or uneasy going solo?

I never feel guilt but I do feel strange sometimes. I'm older than dirt, my kids are all grown up with children of their own, I've been divorced now for 10 years and have no reason to feel guilty at all. Standing in line for Peter Pans Flight only gets odd when you get to the load area and are asked, "how many in your group". When you say one it seems to cause a bit of undue attention.

Now to the other problems. I find that when I say to friends or acquaintances that I am going to Disney World alone, they look at me like I have three heads. Why? Aren't you a little old to be going to an amusement park featuring Mickey Mouse? What could you possibly find to do all by yourself? The answer is that I have never found a place other than Disney World that makes me feel young again. A place where I can think about the times with the kids and my wife that were terrific fun and not feel sad. I just feel warm and it seems friendly and familiar.

I will admit, however, to a little loneliness. So many things that would be great to share. So many times that you would love to have someone you know to look at and ask...wasn't that great? The sunsets, the shows, the lighting of the castle, the rides. All are great alone, but one can't help but think it would be better it one could share it with someone that also appreciates it.

Now the biggest plus...I can do what I want, see what I want, get there when I want, leave when I want, eat when I want and what I want without having to share that decision with someone else. The sense of freedom is good. If I want to ride Spaceship Earth 4 times in a row...I can do that. If I want to skip the Fireworks to get a head start on the crowd...I can do that.

After many solo trips, I find that it is getting less exciting, but I do believe that if someone can do it once in a while, interspersing it with family trips or with friends, it can be great.
:) This may be a stupid question, but are you allowed larger bottles of say like shampoo in your checked luggage pr does it have to be 3 ounces or less also?

You are allowed larger bottles, but remember checked baggage gets thrown around a lot more than you with your carry-on. I pack very lightly and use the products the resort provides. I pack items that are almost used up, so I can throw them away at the resort and don't have to bring them back home. You can also buy travel size items, and throw them away as you use them up.

Remember, when you are traveling solo, there is no one around to help you with the luggage; travel light.
Do any of you ever have a meal at a sit down restaurant such as Liberty Tree Tavern or 50's Prime Time Cafe? I've wanted to try atleast one of these out, but don't want to feel silly eating by myself.:confused3
Do any of you ever have a meal at a sit down restaurant such as Liberty Tree Tavern or 50's Prime Time Cafe? I've wanted to try atleast one of these out, but don't want to feel silly eating by myself.:confused3

Not meaning anything other than my curiosity, but why would anyone feel silly eating by themselves. Eating is THE major function of humans. If we don't eat we die. How can eating with someone else or by yourself be viewed as anything other than a normal function of a human being.

My mother used to say the same thing..."I'll never be able to go to a restaurant now (after my father passed) because I would have to be there alone. What will people think?" My response was that they will think you are hungry just like they are.

A little advise...Don't give it a second thought. If you want to go there, do it. This is the 21st century not the 16th.
I will be flying Southwest. Not sure exactly why I picked that airline.
I guess because I haven't heard anything bad about them. My flight is only supposed to be a little over two hours and it is nonstop. I was afraid of a lay-over in another town. I didn't want to worry about getting lost inside of two different airports. Is it fairly easy to find your way around Orlando Intl. airport? :santa:

Southwest is very nice; very friendly; often right on time or earlier. Ha, if you start with Southwest, the next airline you fly will let you down, guaranteed! :) I wish my closest airport had a SW terminal, but they don't. Probably too many other airlines would lose money - SW is the way to go.

As for flying, I have always loved to fly. Yes, there are negatives, but I mostly see the positives. Just be relaxed about it - if you've ridden a bus, you've already got the general idea. I bring my fold-up noise canceling headphones and my iTouch and watch movies or play games the whole way. I also have an old Game Boy Advance that has accompanied me many times. I'll bring one good book as well, so I have a variety of options. :laughing: I also buy my own bottled soda in the airport so I don't have to wait for the cart to come around; I usually have a few snacks stowed away in my purse along with my gum so I have something to snack on or chew on whenever I want.

I also always bring my light fleece Columbia jacket, regardless of the weather. You never know when you might need a jacket, and I use it as a pillow/eye mask on the plane.

For a two hour flight, you're barely going to get up in the air and you'll be coming back down to land! It will be fast and you'll be so glad you flew, trust me. If you bring a book you like and maybe some ear plugs, you might as well be on a bus, as that's how it will feel to you.

Orlando is as easy as an airport can be - I think they're all fairly confusing, but fortunately a lot of arriving visitors are going to Disney so you really could ask anyone and they'd be able to help. Just head to the monorail and you're heading in the right direction.
Thank you all for the wonderful advice! I think I am feeling more and more at ease with every positive post.:) Who knows, maybe I'll feel brave enough to take my children on their first plane ride after this trip is over. :rotfl2:

As for eating alone, I think I might try it also. I love mashed potatoes and have wanted to try Liberty Tree Tavern for quite some time now. Has anyone been there? How good or not so good was the food? Is it worth the price?
Thank you all for the wonderful advice! I think I am feeling more and more at ease with every positive post.:) Who knows, maybe I'll feel brave enough to take my children on their first plane ride after this trip is over. :rotfl2:

As for eating alone, I think I might try it also. I love mashed potatoes and have wanted to try Liberty Tree Tavern for quite some time now. Has anyone been there? How good or not so good was the food? Is it worth the price?

Just do what I did to bring air travel into perspective. Realize that there are 10's of thousands of plane flights every single day. 100's of thousands when looked at world wide. How many plane incidents do you ever hear about. OK, how many car accidents and deaths do you hear about on a daily basis. Kinda makes plane travel seem very, very safe. Go, relax and enjoy the ride. How often does a person get to actually fly. The scenery is amazing.:)
Just do what I did to bring air travel into perspective. Realize that there are 10's of thousands of plane flights every single day. 100's of thousands when looked at world wide. How many plane incidents do you ever hear about. OK, how many car accidents and deaths do you hear about on a daily basis. Kinda makes plane travel seem very, very safe. Go, relax and enjoy the ride. How often does a person get to actually fly. The scenery is amazing.:)

I never think about plane crashes. If it's your time, it's your time - and plane crashes seem like a pretty good way to go in my mind. At least it's not slow and horrific like car crashes can be. Ugh, there's a bad thought.

Here's what I think - I've been flying since I was 12, alone. My first airplane trip was alone, and I couldn't believe I got to go flying through the air!! It's a miracle, a technological miracle. So much amazing technology goes into every plane, it's just a marvel! I love to look down and see how people organize themselves into towns and cities and roads and train tracks; I love how quickly the time goes by. I thought flying over the ocean was amazing, seeing the curve of the earth ahead of you; I love the quiet hum of the cabin and the sound of people chatting amongst themselves and making new friends of the people around them; I like the little cups of ice they give you with your drink; I find it so peaceful and calming.

Enjoy your first flight! You'll never get to do it again! :wizard:
I like to go by myself. It's a break to do what I want and not put the wishes of others first. In fact, I know how much I need it by the amount of effort I have to put in to figure out what I want.

Also, My husband is a rabid skier.

I've discovered:
People (CM's AND fellow guests) are more likely to talk with me when I'm alone.
Characters 'play' with me :) and I can get autographs / photos without anyone rolling their eyes.
Single rider line!
Photopass photographers have made me feel special and I've gotten some GREAT photos.
I can wear my ears and be as eccentric as I like without embarressing anyone.
I can meander at will or do a 4 park day, if that's what spirit moves me.

Go ahead, Honey! Have a blast! And leave the guilt at home!!!!

SDS33 - what she said! I took a solo trip in April over Spring Break (the kids were in Texas) and while I did miss them, I really had an absolute blast by myself. The first night I was hamming it up with the CM's in the Magic Kingdom while wearing a tiara. It was bliss :cloud9:

I'm taking my next solo trip in a few days and doing NYE by myself. (My DHDH doesn't travel well) ;) Lol! Solo trips are the best. To make it plain and simple, you can do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

I never understood why people have such a hard time doing things alone. Take going to the movies for example. I know people who would never go the movies by themselves, which I think is kind of silly considering that you're there to watch a movie and NOT talk. Also...say you wanted to go to the mall to go shopping. Would you not go because you don't have someone to go with you? Most likely the answer is no. WDW isn't any different.

That's how I feel too. Why wait for someone else to want to go to the same movie that I do? If I want to go - I go. Same with eating out, shopping, etc. My kids don't want to so...

It beats sitting on the couch all day. :goodvibes

I will be flying Southwest. Not sure exactly why I picked that airline.
I guess because I haven't heard anything bad about them. My flight is only supposed to be a little over two hours and it is nonstop. I was afraid of a lay-over in another town. I didn't want to worry about getting lost inside of two different airports. Is it fairly easy to find your way around Orlando Intl. airport? :santa:

When you get to Orlando, find the escalator going down, and if you have checked baggage pick it up. The luggage is at the bottom. However, do yourself a favor and just bring carry ons and pack light. Traveling solo you won't have to bring all of your usual gear that you take when traveling with kids. Read this thread for all of the information you need.

One thing - don't forget to bring your Magical Express voucher with you to the airport. Trust me on that one. :)
I gotta throw my hat in the ring as well for enjoying solo trips!!! I have gone a handful of times and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you feel alone, it seems easy to strike up conversations: CM's, people inline, on the bus, at a resort... A year or so ago a CM at Tony's Town Square started up a conversation, and we visited at length and also found at he used to live in the area of Omaha I now live in!!! Try TS solo- the CM's are really friendly, especially at 50's diner!!! If you feel uncomfortable, write postcards, take your iPhone... etc. Single rider lines are great, you can go at our own pace... I say go for it, enjoy the thrill and have a great time!!!
Can you tell me a little more about carry-on size luggage? Do all airlines only allow one size? I will be flying Southwest. I know I can probably look it up on their website. I want to take a larger suitcase just incase I want to bring home some souveneirs, but I will use that under "checked luggage."
I'm considering taking a smaller empty suitcase on the plane just for things I want to bring home. What do you all think?
Can you tell me a little more about carry-on size luggage? Do all airlines only allow one size? I will be flying Southwest. I know I can probably look it up on their website. I want to take a larger suitcase just incase I want to bring home some souveneirs, but I will use that under "checked luggage."
I'm considering taking a smaller empty suitcase on the plane just for things I want to bring home. What do you all think?

Southwest's carryon standard is 22x14x9. Remember you can check two bags free with southwest. I'm taking one, but in that bag I will have a sturdy folded up duffel bag that can be used as a second checked bag on the way home if needed.

The only WDW trip I wasn't solo was on April 2-5, 1982, with my high school senior class. The other seven trips (the last in 2007) were completely solo. I had the kind of blast you can't get with dynamite. SDS33, GO FOR IT!!!!

Some people have their preferences going solo. Going solo is not my thing but I went solo at one point. It was an unplanned one.

My last WDW trip was supposed to be a mom/daughter R&R. My mom fell ill on the 3rd day and she was unable to go on. I felt bad that she can't continue and she wanted me to go on and have fun so I went by myself. I love to chat while waiting in the line. I felt something was missing. That was, of course, my family or friends. I spent my 2nd half of my vacation on my own. Poor mom, at least she's recovered 100% from some sort of flu or virus for whose inquiring minds want to know. :upsidedow

Sure, it's pretty cool going alone at first but it became too old fast for me. Going solo is not for everyone. Just telling from my experience but it was an interesting experience nonetheless. :) So yeah, I kind of felt uneasy going all by myself.
Another only child here. I'm going solo for 2 nights in February for my birthday. My DH works nights, and my bday is a weekday, so I'd be alone all day while he was sleeping, then alone all night while he was working, so I figured what the heck? We own DVC, and already have tix, so it's only costing me food.

What I'm looking forward to is not having to worry what my DH and/or DS want to do. I've never seen Voyage of the Little Mermaid, or any of the shows. That's what I plan to do. If I want to go on It's a Small World a bunch of times, there's no one there to complain. If I want to have popcorn for lunch, so be it. If I cry at Philharmagic, there's no one to make fun of me. LOL

I plan to wear my birthday button (and heck, maybe even birthday ears!!) with pride and soak up every drop of magic that I can.

ETA: As far as flying alone, don't be afraid to ask the employees for help.
I went solo in 2006. Ran the Disney Half-Marathon. I loved going solo. I moved at my own pace. I think I rode El Rio del Tiempo ( a personal favorite) like 5 timesNot to mention its super easy to meet people down there so you really dont feel so "solo" at all.

I was skeptical about eating alone at table service meals. So i stuck to quick service. Mistake on my part. Enjoy everything Disney has to offer. Especially the dinning. When I go in March 2012 I plan to break away from the group and enjoy some solo Disney meals that my family may not enjoy (i.e. Marrakesh)

Have Fun!
Go and use this time to explore areas that you haven't normally gone. Perhaps check out some more adult activities tequila tastings, wine flights, Grand Marnier slushies (im seeing a trend here) to convince your DH that Disney is a lot of fun.
Perhaps you can explore new places to take the kids instead of the same old same old. I love picking an area that I don't spend of lot of time in with a group and just enjoying it. I loved exploring and eating my way through MK especially going towards splash mountain. Read the fun signs and go in the stores. I've had great conversations with people and CMs.
It's your time, enjoy it and rejuvenate.
Do any of you ever have a meal at a sit down restaurant such as Liberty Tree Tavern or 50's Prime Time Cafe? I've wanted to try atleast one of these out, but don't want to feel silly eating by myself.:confused3

The 50's PTC is my fave for solo eating. Say hi to Claire! The food is good, I've always chatted with other diners and enjoy the old black and white clips on the TVs.
When I ate at the Liberty Tree the staff was awesome yet overwhelming. They made sure my drink was never half full. The attention I got was friendly and again Awesome.
I do at least one solo trip of 4-5 days a year. DW is a teacher and can't always get away and I like getting the most out of my AP & TiW.
Hello! I have my first fully solo trip coming up on 2/27. Last year I went semi-solo with my sister (she had business meetings during the day) and I LOVED IT! Actually, I found myself a little annoyed in the evenings when she would join me (and I truly love my Sissy and we get along very well-so that wasn't the issue).

I am happily married (going on 15 years) and we have 3 wonderful boys...but, I have never been alone-never lived alone. It is so freeing to do things on my own-going to the movies solo is the best-I pick the movie, sit where I want, get whichever snack I want, go to the bathroom without telling anyone. Being solo is awesome b/c I can choose whether I even want to interface with anyone.

I am a big reader (DH is not a reader and doesn't understand how I can be content for such long periods of time) so eating alone, sitting alone, hanging out alone is actually a treat for me-I take my Nook wherever I go.

Also, being solo really helps me destress-I work full time (sometimes more than full time), our youngest son has Autism so we spend alot of our free time in therapy and he goes to a special school-so we spend about 3 hours a day in the car going back and forth to school, we have had a number of people we are very close to pass away recently, etc, etc...

I will say, my DH and I have taken a few trips to WDW just the 2 of us and those trips were great-and if I had to choose I would choose to travel with him, but we don't have anyone to stay with the boys-so I take my trip to WDW and he takes his trip to go golfing with the guys-sorry, drifting off topic...

Also-taking solo trips is great b/c you can go on some great tours-did Backstage Magic last year-had a great time-and I did the Behind the Seeds tour. This year I am scheduled for the UnDISCOVERED Future World tour. Really want to do the Segway Tours, but am trying to wait until DH can join me too-b/c he would love it.

Anyways...way excited about flying solo, doing Magical Express solo, checking-in solo, touring solo, eating solo-etc. Ohh-and hoping there are good movies out while I am on vacay so I can go to the movies (solo of course) at DTD.

Everyone have fun and travel safe!
OMG reading this seem to just let the air out my exciment to go solo:sad2:, This up comeing trip will be the frist solo and i have such mixed emotions. My DS (19now) and I have gone every year for the past 7 years. He has decided to put Disney on the hook,ok I thought i will just go solo i love Disney. Its just been so hard to imagin going to Disney with out my DS,we always had a great time and always interacted at the parks we always love going the same places. I play golf(wich he did not) so I can spend more time playing but its something i think i have to do to move on:goodvibes


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