Disposable waterproof camera's??


Earning My Ears
Jan 11, 2001
Hi everyone,

We are spending a day at Rivercountry. I was wondering if anyone know's if they even make disposable water proof camera's? I know about the regular disposables...if anyone know's where I could find some. I just don't find it feesable to buy one just for one day. Thanks!! :)

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yes they are made. Check at Kmart, Target or any drugstore

Pooh Bear
I saw them at my 1-hour photo developing store. Let us know how good they are. :)
They even sell them at the water parks (for an arm and a leg!). We were at Blizzard Beach and I had never seen waterproof disposables before, so on impulse I bought one, and got some of the coolest pics of our trip with it. I even took it back to the hotel pool and took some shots of the kids underwater. Very worth it, in my opinion, but as suggested above, don't buy them onsite if possible!
I've bought Kodak ones at drugstores before and have used them for both non-dry photos and underwater shots.

Florida Mom
(among other things = )
The disposable water proof cameras work fine.

Both Kodak and Fuji sell them and both are available from mass mechandizers like Target. They run about 8-9 bucks if you gut one at home and about 15 if you get'm from the Mouse.

Here are some photos. I use a cheapo scanner the real photos look much better than these scans:


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You can also get them at Walmart. www.walmart.com has them at their website store too! Just bought some for our upcoming trip. We used them at Typhoon Lagoon and at Blizzard Beach last year. I have to say though that they probably work too well.. as my DH seemed to love taking underwater pictures of me standing around in the wave pool. Certainly not the most FLATTERING pictures ever taken of me... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face"> :( <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face">


I guess I'd never seen them at K-Mart or Wal-Mart before. I will be getting one this week. BTW, I saw your pics Bennet, I went to your web site a while back. I just assumed the underwater pics were taken w/ an expensive underwater camera. Wow, I'm impressed!! I'll be sure to post some pics when we get back. 41 days and counting! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

"A dream is a wish your heart makes"...

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I take a lot of cameras for different situations, from the cheapest disposables I can find to digital and good 35mm SLR. I like camreas and almost always have one around.

I bought the waterproof on a whim at BWV. Had a ball with it so now I am packing one every trip.

In bright light almost anything can take a good photo. Having a camera you are comfortable with makes all the differance.

Well that and getting in close to the subject.

I give the kids disposables. I enjoy how they let me see the world through their eyes. I use Pokemon Snap as a camera training tool. It is a video game where your score is a function of pictures you take in the game. Kids get the ideas of framing a shot and it transfers well to real camreas.

I keep thinking that Kodak should lean on the Big Mouse at Disney and get the journey into imagination ride made into some kind of a snap pictures of figment as you ride past deal. Like Buzz Lightyear with a camera. They could feature Kodak's digital cameras. Now that would be a cool ride unlike what is there now.

Every picture tells a story and here is DD's opinion of the current ride:

Hmmm. Maybe I should write Kodak...

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**UPDATED: 2/3/01** MORE Disney silliness: Buzz's Spin, Parks, Parades MORE TAPESTRY and MORE OF THE Unfortunate Footwear of Walt Disney World: http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/

We had planned on bringing the 35mm, and letting the kids ( 15,12&5) use the disposbles. I JUST found out our tickets are pass hopper PLUS! Long story,basically, bought them thru a friend who is military, and I thought they were regular pass hoppers. When I got them, I was nicely surprised to see PLUS. So, we are doing one day at River Country. I'd rather go to Typhoon, but hubby requested this one.Since it's his first vacation, I want him to have the time of his life! SOoooo, I wanted to take underwater pics. Actually, it was your site, when I saw your family underwater, I thought, cool idea. So, thanks for the input. I'm sure we'll have a blast!!

"A dream is a wish your heart makes"...

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I've used a Fuji disposable camera at our local water park. Not only were the pictures great, clear, sharp and it really does work underwater, but it also took pictures out of the water too. It made it nice cause it has a rubberband strap for carring around on your wrist. When I rode the rides it wasn't a bother and I didn't have to worry about it coming off. I rode our version of the Lazy River for over four hours and the camera didn't suffer any leaks at all. The kids loved taking turns using it too. I certainly plan on bringing one for our WDW vacation. Might even attempt to snap a picture of Splash Mountain as we are desending :)

Disneymomof3 Wrote:
Thanks again Bennet...
... Actually, it was your site, when I saw your family underwater, I thought, cool idea.

Wow! I am glad you were inspired.

Now you will share your pictures when you get back right?

I keep trying to run photo contests for fun over on the DVC board and more players would be great!


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Disney silliness: Buzz's Spin, Parks, Parades MORE TAPESTRY and MORE OF THE Unfortunate Footwear of Walt Disney World: http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/

Don't want to clog up the board but may see you down there leaving in 47 days. Email me if you want, maybe we could meet.
And remembered about this post when I seen that they had their disposable waterproof (to 17') Fuji cameras on sale for $7.97. As I recall, that's not a bad price. Their experation date was April 2002. FYI

I have used the disposables but I saw a Minolta reusable for about $110. I bought it and have not regretted it. It works fine above water and is splash and water resistant to 17 feet. It has a zoom and flash. The underwater disposables are $15 each when I have bought them vs about $3 a roll for film. With less than 10 rolls I have paid for the camera. When I don't want to lug my 35 mm camera I use this. Canon also make one for around $100. If you are looking for an all purpose point-an-shoot you may want this as your only camera--no worring if the kids spill their juice on it

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