Disneyland meet in early June?

Quentin Disney

Minnie > Everything.
Dec 3, 1999
UPDATE 5-14 O.K., I have a more solid date for a possible meet. Let try this:

June 3rd, 2001 Esplande between DL and DCA. (I might change the location since I'm not familar with the layout of DL. Does anyone know of a good meeting place inside the parks?

Attention Disneyland AP holder and visitors that will be heading there at the start of June. I'm looking to organize a DIS meet at Disneyland Park when I head over there this June. I will be there June 2-5. Is anyone interested in doing so? I know the APers wouldn't have a problem with it, so I'm seeing if there is any interest in doing so. I want to make my trip to Disneyland for the first time a memorable one, so if anyone is interested meeting, reply to the message. After a while, lets see what we can get out of this.

Once again, anyone who is interested, please reply.

P.S: I think I'm going to put feelers out to the Laughingplace.com community as well. Can this be done?
Hi Quentin! I'm in! The last one we just had was really fun! I just didn't get to spend enough time there. Let me know what I can do to help! Take care! :sunny:
Hey Quentin, Thats a shame, we are at Disneyland June 6-12 at the GC.

However I see you are there on June 2, Does that mean you are flying in on June 2. Thats the day we fly to LAX from Orlando, but we travel other places before we finish up in Disneyland.

If you promise not to bring a camera I may make it. :)
I think I will be on call that weekend, but I will try to make it. As the date gets closer and the plans solidify, I will have a better idea.

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