Disneyland DIS Meet - April 22, 2001


Disneyland Parade High Kicker
May 3, 2000
<font color=ee00ee><center>Please Join Us for the
April Disneyland DIS Meet
honoring the members of the DIS

Sunday, April 22nd 2001
Disneyland Resort- Anaheim, California

Welcome Breakfast 8:30 - 9:00 am
Main Street Bakery
The Adventure Begins 11:00 am
Riverbelle Terrace outside patio
Dinner - TBD @ Downtown Disney

Guests of Honor:
MaryJo, Dan Murphy, Michelle, Disney Anna,
Diva of Dragons(The Poster Formerly Known as LA Weiss), Larry_Poppins, RobinB, Teri, SteveH, TheLionKing & Tink33

Swinginevilmike & JeffinBigD

RSVP on This Thread</font></font size></font>


[This message was edited by Tink33 on 04-22-01 at 11:37 AM.]
Tink, is that here or in San Diego? If it's here I should be around that weekend! :)

Assistant Webmaster
Cruise & Inspiration Board Co-Host
Disneyland Board Co-Host
Michelle, the Sunday meet is at Disneyland. Wow, one Webmaster, one Technical Guru and one CB Goodwill Ambassador. This meet includes the DIS Royalty. :D


[This message was edited by Tink33 on 03-31-01 at 10:47 AM.]
I'm hoping to go! I only met Dan for a split second at Epcot in Dec. If you're meeting early, I can make it. I have to catch a train for Albuquerque at 5:30 in Irvine.
Everybody sing! "Point meeeeee in the direction of Albuquerqueeeeee etc......" (any Partridge family fans out there?) :D

<marquee direction="right" align="left" behavior="alternate"><font size=3><font color=#FF0066><font face="Comic Sans MS"><bold>LISA</marquee></font></font></font></bold>
<marquee direction="left" align="right" behavior="alternate"><font size=3><font color=#6600CC><font face="Comic Sans MS"><bold>"Diva of Dragons"</marquee></font></font></font></bold>
Hey Tink33--I think you should put some pressure on those 3 other parties that responded to the "Look Who's Coming To Disneyland in April" thread. :D ;) :D ;)

((I understand if it's not your 'style' to do that though. ;) ))

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#6600CC>Dan will most likely be driving up from San Diego. We'll be getting there a little early, and spending all day. As the day gets closer, we'll pick a spot in the morning & afternoon to meet.

Michelle, I hope you can make it - it would be nice to see you again. :)

Disney Anna & LAWeiss - it will be great to meet you. Hope you can make it. :)

Anyone else?

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

My DL Site
My Sequoia/Yosemite Trip

Font Hints
I think that's our DCA day, so we won't be in the DL park, but I'll be sure to look for those lime green ribbons during our visit.
Please include me in for the DIS meet!
April 22 sounds great!!!
What time and place???

Now where do I get a green ribbon?
Hrumph. Shelly ... all these folks recommended that we go to DCA on Sunday. Since we can't park hop maybe they really don't want us to come to DL for the meet :eek:!

Just kidding!

Actually, I had planned on following the advice and doing DCA on Sunday, but maybe I'll put it off until Monday and join the meet anyway <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">. Put me down for now, I guess. I'd love to meet everyone.

-- Robin
Here's a suggestion. How about Downtown Disney in the evening for all the people going to DCA on Sunday? You can exit the park, get your handstamped, attend the meet, then everyone can go back the the park they were visiting.


Thanks for the suggestion! My plans are now to do DCA on Saturday and DL on Sunday. That way I'll be know if I want to return to DCA on Monday or not. Tuesday (my BD) will be spent at DL! :D

-- Robin
Hey Tink,

Have you chosen a time and location for the DIS meet yet? I'm beginning to count down the days until April 22, 2001

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