Disney Transportation - Use it or Lose it?

I think it is a mixed bag. Disney transportation can be faster, or slower. No way to know at any point in time which it will be. Could be faster on your way into the park in the morning, then slower on your way back to the resort. The big advantages I see to Disney Transportation are I don't have to buy gas, and I can return to the hotel as exhausted as I want to, and not have to worry about driving in that condition.

I'll add:

You have a built in Designated Driver
You will be dropped off closer to the park entrance instead of parking somewhere out in Kansas and taking a tram.
You don't have to remember where you parked.
Park hopping is EASY!
Your party can easily split up if someone needs a break, has a headache, etc.
During HOT weather you are getting into a pre-cooled bus--not need to ventilated the Easy Bake Oven car, then wait for a/c.
You don't have to worry about getting lost.
Well, on the side for driving yourself, just because I like to argue both sides lol

Staying on site, if someone gets tired / sick, they can always opt to take Disney Transportation back to the resort, and the rest can use the car later, or vice versa
With modern GPS systems (even built into most smart phones now) getting lost isn't really much of a concern.
Well, on the side for driving yourself, just because I like to argue both sides lol

Staying on site, if someone gets tired / sick, they can always opt to take Disney Transportation back to the resort, and the rest can use the car later, or vice versa
With modern GPS systems (even built into most smart phones now) getting lost isn't really much of a concern.

though with GPS on Disney property, it seems that it would make it more difficult....though I know what roads take you where, I find that following the signs is much easier than trying to listen to a GPS tell you road names and such....

but when my family drives from north Florida, we always take Disney transport....
Thirty minutes for an Epcot bus? That's crazy.

That time was for the FIRST Epcot bus of the day.:)

The interval between the first bus of the day and second bus of the day,etc. to Epcot would be much shorter than 30 minutes.:)
I guess it would depend which resort you're at... Both times I used Disney transportation I stayed at POP, and both times I had no complaints. The only park that felt a pain was MK, but only because it is the furthest away from the resort. The bus ride was really long. But it would have been the same by car anyway!

However with a 1 yo might be a different story (we were all adults). Maybe driving might be one less thing to worry about. (As if you want to think about bus schedules when your baby is hungry and tired!)

Also, I love using the DME to/from the airport!
Does the DME let you grab your own luggage? I thought them delivering it later was the only choice.

Yes, for sure, they absolutely let you grab your own and we had always done that in the past. Not sure why we let them pick it up this last time. But from now, we'll stick to the old way and grab it ourselves. :)
It's been a few years since our last ME trip...so do you suggest going to baggage claim, fetching your family bags and then taking them and your party to the ME line? Thus assuring your bags are on the same bus as you?

We definitely don't want anxiety about our bags arriving ages after we do!

Hi there....that is what we had done in the past except this most recent time. In the future, yes I will go back to getting our bags ourselves from bag claim and bringing them to the ME with us. I'm sure some folks have a fully stocked carry on and the Disney bag pick up works fine. Not for us though. :) Have a great trip!
Hi there....that is what we had done in the past except this most recent time. In the future, yes I will go back to getting our bags ourselves from bag claim and bringing them to the ME with us. I'm sure some folks have a fully stocked carry on and the Disney bag pick up works fine. Not for us though. :) Have a great trip!

Everybody should have a fully stocked carryon. What if the airline mis-routes your bags?
Hi there....that is what we had done in the past except this most recent time. In the future, yes I will go back to getting our bags ourselves from bag claim and bringing them to the ME with us. I'm sure some folks have a fully stocked carry on and the Disney bag pick up works fine. Not for us though. :) Have a great trip!

Thanks so much! We are planning to have stocked carry ons but I'd like to be sure my bags are at least on the same bus so I will likely do this! Appreciate the reply!
Everybody should have a fully stocked carryon. What if the airline mis-routes your bags?

Can't agree with this enough. I have been without a bag at my destination twice and it was awful - once in Chicago and once in New York. The time in Chicago (cancellation) was the worst as the airline booked us into this hotel in the middle of nowhere and it was very late at night and we couldn't even walk anywhere to buy any supplies or food. Now I always have essentials (prescriptions, etc.), a change of clothes, small pack of emergency toiletries, even a roll of quarters for the vending machine at the hotel if that's the only food I can get access to - it's happened!
Disney transportation to the parks is similar in time to driving a car, and certainly easier than retrieving your car, parking, using trams, etc. Some will say you can save time but in many years we find it equal overall. You will also see people rant about bus service. In a typical week, we usually have one annoyingly long wait for a bus, and all others are an average wait of 7 minutes. And yes, coming home from a park at closing time means crowded buses with many standing. But you can't beat the cost savings of DME vs. car rental, so we never rent a car when flying down. If we drive, we only use our car to go shopping and to go to other resorts for meals.
When we drive, we prefer to leave our car at the resort and not see it again until we leave.
When we fly, we don't rent a car.

But, then again, we don't use a stroller. Strollers are a pain in the butt on the buses. Then again, strollers are a pain in the butt in general.
We went last June, and rented a car, and not sure if the time we spent parking and then walking would be more than waiting for the bus etc.

No way to know unless you want to play the "who gets there faster" game, where your party splits up. The two times we've done this (one time was because my aunt was grumpy and wanted to take the bus and DH went with her) the bus has lost and lost badly. Especially the time with my aunt. That time was AWFUL.

We make a choice and try to be happy with it.

Taking the Disney bus to the Magic Kingdom from a WDW resort is really the best way.

I disagree. While it might feel like a good way in the morning, in the evening it's awful for us. We are invariably the second farthest away line from MK, and I hate hate hate passing the lines to monorail and ferry to get to a long long line. And to watch the ferry fill and leave while we're still walking to the bus line is sad, too. I'd rather be in motion than in line, and so I'd rather park at MK so I can be in motion than standing in line for that bus.

I do live in the city and am used to taking public transit, so the Disney bus system is like a dream compared to what I'm used to.

Really? We live in a medium city and DH commutes to/from Seattle, and Disney is horrible compared to his commute. He is the biggest reason why we drive (that and my fairly short fuse when it comes to lines and crowds).

just show up and wait 10 min or less, and get dropped off at the gates

Oh I will start traveling with you! I have never even had merely a 20 minute wait for a bus, let alone 10. It's generally over 30 minutes for OUR bus.

Then there's the fact that it's always me who has to figure out the route and do the driving.

No need to figure it out if you don't want to. Know where you are and know where you're going. Follow the signs. EASY.

Oh, and I hate parking lots ( the only accident I've been in was in one on Long Island). They bring out the worst in everyone, inside our car and out! So whenever I get a glimpse of the lots from the bus on the way to a park, I think, glad it's not me.

But Disney parking lots are a dream. In normal parking lots we don't have people directing us to where drive, turn, and park. Or to let us know we need to move up more. But in a WDW lot we have those people! You don't even have to think. Just follow directions.

Then take a picture of the closest sign to your car, so that you don't have the "if we don't find the car in 2 seconds we're getting a divorce because it's your fault" argument in the parking lot, and you're golden.

Checked bags! DH finally packed a change of clothes in his carryon for his business trip this week. And his checked bag never left his connecting city. He found this out when he got to Peru the other day. For some reason he also packed his toiletries in his checked bag. (sigh) He went nearly 2 days (had to wait for the following day's flight to Lima, and that flight is long) with the one set of clothes and shoes etc. Thankfully American got his bag to him. Pack what you need for at least the first 24-36 hours in your carryon!!!!!

We hadn't packed swimwear in our carry-on bag for arrival and checked into the hotel later, around 6pm with no intention of heading to the parks until the next day. The kids just wanted to swim before we went to sleep.

Since all they wanted to do was swim that day, that swimwear needed to be in carryons. :)

essentials yes but swimwear, sunscreen, pool shoes, pool toes etc we do not bother with on our carry-on.

But swimwear WAS essential for that trip.

I decant sunscreen into 100ml containers and generally have an entire 311 baggie filled with those containers. That way we are covered for a bit if the bags take a different vacation. Especially if you aren't renting a car, getting new sunscreen is expensive! Swimsuits take up very little room. If pool shoes are an essential for your crew (they only are for my family if we're heading to a beach) then they need to be in your bag, if swimming is the one thing they want to do on arrival day.

Public transportation is a novelty for our kids and DH likes not having to find a parking space, remember where it is etc.

See above for parking space and remembering info. Finding a space is a matter of following directions, and remembering is a matter of taking a picture.

Does the DME let you grab your own luggage? I thought them delivering it later was the only choice.

If you tag the bags, you have no choice. So don't tag the bags with the DME tags if you don't want them to take the bags. If you tag them, they pull the bags BEFORE they get to the carousel. If you don't tag them, they go to the carousel.

Did not know they had TVs. Very nice!

The poster was taking about DME, not park transportation, in case that wasn't clear.

How much groceries do you need when you need the food plan.

Not everyone has the food plan.

During HOT weather you are getting into a pre-cooled bus--not need to ventilated the Easy Bake Oven car, then wait for a/c.

That's where rental cars are awesome, because they are NEW and their a/c works wonderfully!

You don't have to worry about getting lost.

I've never worried about that at WDW, though. All roads are signed, all roads lead to signed roads. If you miss a turnoff, eventually you'll find another set of signs telling you which way to go to get where you intended to go.
Sorry if this answer is posted elsewhere, I couldn't find it. We are coming in late at night, and my mom (who is on our reservations and staying in our rooms) doesn't arrive until the next morning. How does this work for Magical Express? Thanks :)
Really? We live in a medium city and DH commutes to/from Seattle, and Disney is horrible compared to his commute. He is the biggest reason why we drive (that and my fairly short fuse when it comes to lines and crowds).

Yep, really. I get to sit at a lovely, bench-filled, covered bus stop. Then I get on a bus without paying which takes me to a Disney park. Compared to my normal life waiting (just as long or longer) for buses on the streets of Chicago it's pretty darn dreamy. Maybe we just had good luck, or chose a good time to be there, but I found little to complain about in our experience. Of course others experiences are unfortunately not as good, and everyone needs to do what works best for them.
Sorry if this answer is posted elsewhere, I couldn't find it. We are coming in late at night, and my mom (who is on our reservations and staying in our rooms) doesn't arrive until the next morning. How does this work for Magical Express? Thanks :)
Not a problem. As long as she is listed on the reservation (DME reservation) she will be able to get on a bus.

I've driven in WDW...it's okay, not great. When you add CMs rushing to and from work, tourists who have absolutely no idea where they are going, and buses? It can get nutty out there. I'm pretty used to the roads in that area, but I still got turned around trying to leave the area. I was using GPS, going to Sanford. My GPS sent me into Epcot!!!! Somehow it missed the correct turn off. Good thing I have an AP and could just enter and then turn around without worrying about paying!!!

I have little issue with transportation at WDW. It's basically public transit.....build to carry the largest number of guests possible. They do a good job of that. Is it the fastest way to get to the parks? No, probably not. But, I'm on vacation. If it takes me an addtl 10 mins to get to a park, so be it. No, standing in line, waiting for a bus at the end of the day is not my favorite thing to do. But, if I want to avoid that, I plan my evening out so as to be doing something else.

DME? It is fine for what it is....a free ride to WDW, with luggage delivery. Well, sort of free. We're all paying for it in our resort rates!!! I pack my carry on bag with anything I'm going to need for that first day, or evening if arriving later in the day. That means swimsuits if it's hot out!!! We love to check in and then head to the pool if we aren't heading to a park. Even then, it's nice to swim at night.....and it's great to have our suits if our checked bags are held up. Yes, checked bags are 'supposed' to be in our rooms up to 3-4 hrs after resort check in. But, sometimes that doesn't happen. Plan accordingly
As far as how long it takes to get to your resort using DME? From 60-90 mins, usually. I've had times when I was at my resort within 60 mins of leaving the gate area at MCO. I've had it take close to 90 mins another time.
On the other hand, I've had it take me 45 mins (carry on bag only) using a car service, 60 mins with checked bags and a car service. I tend to use Garden Grocer if I want groceries. That saves me money in the long run vs using a car service.
Going back to MCO? I have no issue with DME. I know a lot of people hate that 3 hr window....but you need to be at MCO at least 2 hrs prior to your flight. Flights generally start boarding 20-30 mins before departure. It can take 10-60 mins to get through security.There could be heavy traffic on the way making the normal 30 min ride longer.
I don't mind sitting at the gate for an hour....it's not worth the worry/stress of staying at a park for 45 mins longer!! Others have no issue with it.....like everything else, it's personal preference.

And yes, it does depend on your resort as to what kind of bus service you'll get. Some resorts have multiple stops within the resort. If the resort is spread out,, like OKW, it can take a long time before you leave the resort!!!! While Pop and AoA have pretty good bus service. Once you're on that bus, you go directly to your destination...no sharing the route.
It's been a few years since our last ME trip...so do you suggest going to baggage claim, fetching your family bags and then taking them and your party to the ME line? Thus assuring your bags are on the same bus as you?

We definitely don't want anxiety about our bags arriving ages after we do!

just make sure to put a change of clothes, any medications, and your BATHING SUITS in your carry on.. no problem! if you have a late flight, thenI guess your jammies.
....essentials yes but swimwear, sunscreen, pool shoes, pool toes etc we do not bother with on our carry-on. :) We prefer to keep those bags light and bare minimum. It is a great service for some I just wanted to post my experience in case it helps anyone else avoid the same. We don't mind grabbing our luggage ourselves and having it right away with us gives us the freedom to not have to wait for it when it does take a while to arrive.
Honestly out of what you listed bathing suits and sunscreen are the essentials the rest are optional in my world. Pool shoes -yeah, I'll wear flip flops down or even sneakers and swim barefoot. Pool toys- never brought them, don't see the need. It sucks to have your bag held up but I think we have a different definition of essentials.
We use the buses. It is just easier although this trip we are flying to Tampa and renting a car so we will see how it goes
One more DME question, please. I may be misremembering, but I thought when we went last (2011, so it was a while ago) we watched our suitcases get piled into that cargo bin space under the bus (apparently it had already been grabbed?) and then we piled on, and then when we got to the resort they just opened the bin, we pointed, they handed them to us and off we went. Then again, I just found my "bundle" from that visit with receipts and park maps and all, and there was a pristine bunch of DME luggage tags. Maybe we just had a bunch extra. Darn my lack of memory!

Anyway. So if we allow DME to grab our bags, they pull directly from the plane and don't send to baggage claim someone upthread said. So we won't 'see' our bags per se. Once we are dropped off, do they still pull bags as they drop at each resort? And then they go inside with them, or do they literally separate them by room and deliver them to the rooms? That is to say - is the luggage piled up near the entrance to the resort and we could say "oh look, our stuff" and grab them, or do we literally have to wait for in-room delivery?

And lastly - if we wait for baggage claim, get our bags then go to DME with them in hand, will they just load them on the bus with us, then unload at the resort so we can wheel them in?

I am not totally worried about it, I don't see us needing our bags before evening, but it seems different than I remember so I am just trying to get a grip on it. LOL

Thanks for all the information and comments, folks. I have done Disney with a rental car (I was in FL for work) and I wasn't thrilled with the parking lot experience. But I'm not known for my incredible patience with other drivers (hahahahaha) so there is that.
One more DME question, please. I may be misremembering, but I thought when we went last (2011, so it was a while ago) we watched our suitcases get piled into that cargo bin space under the bus (apparently it had already been grabbed?) and then we piled on, and then when we got to the resort they just opened the bin, we pointed, they handed them to us and off we went. Then again, I just found my "bundle" from that visit with receipts and park maps and all, and there was a pristine bunch of DME luggage tags. Maybe we just had a bunch extra. Darn my lack of memory!

Anyway. So if we allow DME to grab our bags, they pull directly from the plane and don't send to baggage claim someone upthread said. So we won't 'see' our bags per se. Once we are dropped off, do they still pull bags as they drop at each resort? And then they go inside with them, or do they literally separate them by room and deliver them to the rooms? That is to say - is the luggage piled up near the entrance to the resort and we could say "oh look, our stuff" and grab them, or do we literally have to wait for in-room delivery?

And lastly - if we wait for baggage claim, get our bags then go to DME with them in hand, will they just load them on the bus with us, then unload at the resort so we can wheel them in?

I am not totally worried about it, I don't see us needing our bags before evening, but it seems different than I remember so I am just trying to get a grip on it. LOL

Thanks for all the information and comments, folks. I have done Disney with a rental car (I was in FL for work) and I wasn't thrilled with the parking lot experience. But I'm not known for my incredible patience with other drivers (hahahahaha) so there is that.
If you put the yellow tags on your bags, they get taken before they even hit baggage claim and you will not see them until they show up in your room (or if you arrive late and ask them to be held, when you call for them in the morning). If you do not put the tags on, you grab them from baggage claim and take them on the bus (the driver will put them under). Then at your resort you grab them.
If you put the yellow tags on you cannot change your mind and go grab them from baggage claim.


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