Disney Surprise Bag


Earning My Ears
Mar 8, 2001
I am looking foward to our trip in August and since it takes about 10 hours to get there I try to find things for the Kinds to do. I have a box in my closet that I put all kinds of things for them to do on the way down. I pick up little games, toys, pens and crayons to put in there. I also found the coolest site that will let you print every Disney character you could imagine as a coloring page. I am sorry that I don't remember the site but all I did was searched from my homepage (iWon.com) and put in "Disney Coloring Pages" and when you click on it, there will be a page of catagories to click on and see the page before you print it. My children also have fun making the Disney Surprise Bag.
5 months and counting :D :D :D :D
I have started putting things away for our trip in October. 3 ds's - - 18 hours woth of driving-- YIKES!! I was at Dollar Express today and picked up Disney coloring books and Little Golden Stroy Books for $1 each. I was psyched!!

When I was little I remember my mom always having things for us to do when we drove...
but here are some things I am taking for our kids this trip...

Multicolor Pipe Cleaners-(even great on an airplane) Play "make this shape" or make this letter...

I have stashed 3 golden books on audio cassette. I will hold up the book and let someone else(on tape) read!

My mom gave us silly putty and a Sun comics or we played go fish for disney dollars or she packed a puppet a piece for the whole family and we had an impromptu puppet show, and my all time favorite was a brain teaser book with the invisible magic marker pen that only revealed the answer when you rubbed over it. Mom always made sure there was something new for each new hour of the trip.. She always made vacation special!

Looking forward to the memories we're going to make even on the drive down....*sighing*

Our local dollar store had tons of mickey mouse coloring books. They also have mini games and puzzles. Lots of little toys. The best thing is they all are only a dollar, so if something breaks or gets lost, no big deal.
Go to survivethedrive.com and check out the assortment of things they have for long trips including rentals on tv/vcr combos at a very reasonable price. Might be worth the $. I know it is for me w/ 3,4,8, and two 9 yr olds in the car for 12-14 hrs. Hope this helps!


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