Disney Store Sale 75% Off


Jul 11, 2000
Selection was slim but I still wound up with almost 100.00 worth of merchandise and the extra 10% off too! Found a Tigger Denim jacket with the beige sleeves reg. 88.00 for 22 & some change, and outfit for son long pants long sleeved top 27.99 @ 75% off 3 more of those Hawaiian print shirts for 16.99 had been 68.00 bucks and some neat 102 Dalmation Art sets that had been 18.00 for 4.50 each so got both children a set. I think that was it this go round :)

Easter items were 25% off.


Wilderness Lodge Dec.'00
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Addicted to Disney After Just One Trip

Hey i just got back from that sale! The discount was great, but a word of caution, watch them as they ring up your stuff!About half of the stuff i bought did NOT ring up correctly.

But it's still worth the effort.I got a baseball cap with tigger on it for $2.00 from $10.00, and an outfit for my son for $5.99.plus the DC discount!But..... the nightshirt that i bought did no ring up at the 25% off price, although it was quicly remedied by the cashier when i told her.

So go shop your little hearts out!
P.S. did anyone catch the new Eeyore bubble machine when they were there?It's only $15.00.Not too bad for the disney store!
Sherrie :D
I went to the Disney Store about a month ago and bought some items on clearance. The manager rang my order up. I mentioned to him that I was sorry that the disney club replaced the magic kingdom club. He asked if I still had my MKC card, which I was still carrying in my wallet. He said he was told they will still honor the cards until the expiration date on the card so I received an extra 10% off my purchase. You can bet I was excited about this.
I had the same experience at the Disney store. I said that I heard they weren't taking the MKC card anymore and was told that as long as it has not expired yet, that they will still honor it. Of course, that was on *that* day, we all know how fast the Disney store can change their policies! :) But, it never hurts to check....

Donna :)


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