Disney Store - Another Sale Starts Today


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 2000
Starting today (4/19), another sale starts. Along with other things, all girls and boys swimsuits are marked down to $14.99. Also the beach towels are down to $14.99. The beach totes are 50% off. Certain adult Eeyore and Pooh PJ's are down 25%. Frames are marked down too. All Easter merchandise is down to 75% off. Merchandise (not much left in our store) that was down to 75% last week is now an additional 50% off. Happy Shopping!
Went today. My store had nothing left...well a few things on clearance but no clothes. sigh. did see the big coffee mugs I bought 3weeks ago (full price). They were ONLY $1.49 - I could die! Oh well. :rolleyes:

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
Thank you Teena! I was able to go before they were cleaned out and got some of the Easter dresses for $10 and under! Other great bargains included a package of princess undies for $1.49 and lots of the coins for $.49.

They also had a frame I've been wanting for $10. It is the one with presses flowers and pewter Mickey shapes. It is perfect for a picture of my DDs taken after the Tea Party at GF.

Thank you!!!!

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC size=4>Janette</font>

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>WDW ~*~ Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - Jun 1988
Vistana/Contemporary - Jun 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001</font>
<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>Disneyland ~*~ Apr 1998</font>

curlyjbs - I am not sure but most stores will refund you the difference if an item goes on sale shortly after you purchaced it. You may want to call them and ask. Tell them what you paid and if you can return them and get them at sale price.

Just a thought. If the price is significant and worth the trip I would at least ask, it cant hurt to try!!!
Teena - which beach totes were 50% off? My Disney store did not have any beach totes on sale. I was interested in the plastic one with the purple/blue/green mickeys on it. They are still full price. Were these on sale at your store? I was able to pick up a couple of beach towels at $14.99 so thanks for the tip!
The child totes are on sale; adult are not.

As for price adjustments - they're only good within seven days.

To get a price adjustment, do you need to bring the item in or will the receipt suffice? I bought a bunch of coins for .99 and now they are down to .49. I put them into their board already, so they are not in the packaging.

99 DXL
Next trip Sept. 2001 WL & AKL
you must have bought the item within 7 days of the sale. Just take your receipt into TDS and they will refund the difference!
Hope this helps someone.
P.S. - I'm a CM at TDS #421.

Have A Disney Day!



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