Disney Store - 75% Off


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 2000
Hi folks. All that stuff that was marked down to 50% off two weeks ago is going down to 75% off today (4/12). Our store still has a good selection of kids clothing, plush and mugs at this new price. So, grab your wallets and get on over to your nearest store! Happy Shopping!
I'm just curious as to why things are marked down so low. Is Disney doing away with their stores? Is everything marked down?
I have a bunch of stuff at the 50% off. Will they allow me to return it and get credit for the difference?
About 130 stores are being closed over the next 5 years. That was announced months ago. There were articles in the Wall Street Journal, etc. Most of the other stores are being remodeled over the next 5 years.

As far as is everything on sale - no. The stuff that is 75% off today was marked down to 50% about 2 weeks ago. Now we have other things marked down to 25-50% off. The majority of merchandise in the stores is at regular price. It seems to me (and this is JUST my observation) that in the past year, new product lines seem to come in faster and faster so consequently there are more sales to make room for the new stuff.

As far as returning stuff that is now on sale for credit - it depends on when you purchased it. Your best bet is to call that store directly. There is a good chance the thing you purchased at 50% off isn't there anymore.

I went over to our store at lunch and except for the few plush items that are marked down to 75%, most everything else is gone. The CMs said when the store opened, people poured in and grabbed it all up quickly. Last night we had lots but it is mostly gone now.
Just picked up some t-shirts for the kids, 102 dalmations, tigger, mickey, princesses etc. $2.99 each. Yep, $2.99. Hmmmm I don't know how the heck my bill was $97.00 :eek:
:eek: ;)


<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
Thanks for the information, I know where me and my girls are going tomorrow. I just hope there are some good buys left.
The stores will do a price adjustment on sale items if you have your receipt and it was bought within the past 7 days only!

Have a Wonderful day, Eeyore


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