Disney Resort or Discovery Package???


Earning My Ears
Mar 12, 2000
I am planning a trip in May to the ASMo and I wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on which plan they thought was a better deal. I realize we can use the flex features for our meals, but can we use them at the restaurants in Downtown Disney? Is there somewhere I can get a list of restaurants that we could use? This is going to be an additional $1300 for our vacation package if we went this way so I was a little concerned wondering if we would really get our moneys worth. By the way, our trip is 4 people. 2 adults and 2 children (3 & 5).
I've just started planning, so any ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated. And any comments on the ASMo would be great too!!

Thanks! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

[This message was edited by amyr on 01-05-01 at 03:36 AM.]


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