Disney Rash Cure


DIS Veteran
Sep 28, 2008
My DH who isn't a doctor comes up with cures for things when conventional stuff doesn't work. Most of them seem to work.:confused3 I always get the Disney Rash (really called Golfers rash) every time we go. The older I get the worse the rash is. This vacation was no different and between walking with a broken toe and the heat the rash was really bad this time. I rented a scooter the third day just to help with both. Anyway on to the cure that worked for me. This trip I brought Gold Bond medicated powder so his suggestion was to put the powder on my legs (also worked for chafing when the Gold Bond stick didn't work)let it sink in a little then put suntan lotion over top. The rash started to clear and for the next 6 days of our trip didn't come back and neither did the chafing on my thighs. Worked great for me hope it works for others.
Glad you found something that works for you! I used to get the Disney rash, but for whatever reason, I haven't had it for a long time. We don't do 12 hour park days any longer, maybe that has something to do with it. My symptoms only included the rash--no itching, no discomfort.

Does anyone recall that there used to be a cutesy name for this rash? Something like Pixie Hickeys?
For us: no socks; sunscreen during the day; Gold Bond powder at night. It happens because of the heat island effect when it's very humid. Heat bakes up from areas in direct sunlight with little shade (think: Epcot Future World, or pretty much the whole eastern half of MK) and overheats your lower extremities, but the humidity (or socks!) prevents those parts of your body from sweating adequately enough to cool off. Boom--Disney rash.
Glad you found something that works for you! I used to get the Disney rash, but for whatever reason, I haven't had it for a long time. We don't do 12 hour park days any longer, maybe that has something to do with it. My symptoms only included the rash--no itching, no discomfort.

Does anyone recall that there used to be a cutesy name for this rash? Something like Pixie Hickeys?

I'm a big believer in the gold bond powder at night. I get that rash every single time. drives me crazy. LOL


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