Disney Quest


Oct 1, 2001
One of my friends heard that Disney Quest in Orlando is shutting down. Has anyone else heard this? Any of you who recently were there is much people there? I really am hoping this isn't true. I love Disney Quest. I make sure I go there every time I go down. Please let me know what you have heard.
I know the program has been cancelled and that they are building no new Quests and i seem to remember hearing that the one other Quest (Toronto I believe) would be closing but I have heard nothing of the one in Orlando closing. It always seems to be busy but in this profit-before-show time its margin may not be high enough to warrant using the funds to run it when they can be diverted to carnival games at Animal Kingdom.
I know the program has been cancelled and that they are building no new Quests and i seem to remember hearing that the one other Quest (Toronto I believe) would be closing but I have heard nothing of the one in Orlando closing. It always seems to be busy but in this profit-before-show time its margin may not be high enough to warrant using the funds to run it when they can be diverted to carnival games at Animal Kingdom.


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