Disney Quest with 6 year old?


Earning My Ears
Feb 27, 2001
We have never been to Disney Quest, but are just dying to check it out. I really don't know much about it. Any info would help. I We have a daughter aged 6 and I don't want to go there if there will be nothing for her to do. Any comments will be appreciated!
It has been over a year since our DQ visit but our DS was only 7 at the time. He is also short (about 50" at that time) and was eliminated from the Toy Story bumper cars, the "Build you own Roller Coaster", and a couple of other things.

Also, the virtual reality headgear was too heavy and he did not see anything. There was also a pinball-type game that you stood on & moved around to rack up points. It was too difficult for him.

He did lots of arcade-type games, but not enough to justify the price of his ticket.

Our DS is now 8 and very bright. Even so, we will not be taking him for at least another year. It seems to be move for early teens and up. He just felt left out too many times.

Hope this helps!
My 6 and 8 year olds really loved Disney Quest. They are both fairly short (46 and 49 inches) so couldn't go on Buzz or the build your own rollercoaster but there is masses of other things to do.
They particularly liked Jungle Cruise and Pirates (neither use the virtual reality headgear). The headgear is quite heavy but neither of them had a problem with it and we did the magic carpet ride twice with them.
They also enjoyed being in a massive arcade where everything is free. So no parents saying we've got to go now we've spent enough money. We stayed all day and it is top of their list to go back to.

Oct/Nov 1987 Travelodge Maingate East (WDW)
1991 Anaheim (DL)
1993 Camp Davey Crockett (DLP)
1995 Hotel Cheyenne (DLP)
1996 Sequoia Lodge (DLP)
Oct 1997 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Mar 2000 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Feb 2001 Esprit Villa(WDW)
Dec 2001/Jan 2002 Esprit Villa (WDW)
We went because we thought my 5 year old would love it. Turned out I LOVED it, as did my 59 year old mother!!! My son on the other hand was frightned by a lot of the attractions. The 3-d skelaton in the Pirates game freaked him out. During one virtual reality game I heard this far away screaming, I tore off my helmet and their was my darling little boy swinging his saber for all he was worth, and crying. I felt terrible. My 8 year old dd really enjoyed it tho'. To add insult to injury he was too short to go on the Buzz bumper cars; Buzz is a big favorite. On the other hand, he's done ITTBAB at AK since he was three, I have yet to see it all because dd has to leave. Sometimes it's hard to know what will get to them.


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