Disney newbie! Airfare From Utah Info Needed


Jan 9, 2001
Hi! This is my first time on this board (or any board, for that matter) so forgive me if I sound silly. My family and I are from Utah, and are going to WDW for the first time in Aug. 2001. Any advice for a first-timer? I would especially like advice on where to get the best deals on airline tickets, and how far in advance I should purchase them, etc. I have been to Disneyland twice in the past two years and I am now an addict, and won't be happy until we get to WDW. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Lola °Ü° I love °o° !!

[This message was edited by BethR on 01-09-01 at 04:37 PM.]
Now it wasn't so hard making that first post was it? :D
You can get LOTS of help here by looking at all of the boards and asking questions. Some of the OTHER DIS Boards that you will propbably want to spend some time on are the Theme Park Attractions and Strategies, the Resorts, the Transportation, and Restaurant Boards. Then you may want to venture to some of the others. To get to the other Boards just go to the Drop Down Menu at the bottom of this page and "hop" to the others Boards.
I hope that you don't mind, but I have edited your title to include - "Airfare from Utah Help Needed" to attract some attention from those who "know."
Again, WELCOME! Hope to see you a lot on the Boards! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board

[This message was edited by BethR on 01-09-01 at 04:39 PM.]
If you are flying from Salt Lake City, it is too early to purchase your airline tickets. Southwest Airlines controls the fares on that route, and they are not yet selling August dates. The other airlines that match Southwest's fares will do so once Southwest begins selling those dates. It'll probably be March or April before Southwest begins selling August.

That being said, you should still subscribe to the airfare tracker emails from Travelocity and Expedia, as they sometimes offer very good deals that may be available for only a short period of time.


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