Disney Music on Internet


Did you know some ferns date back to Prehistoric t
May 30, 2000
Laughingplace.com is (or used to be) the sister site here, and I'm sure everyone knows this already, but just in case...

They've started up their own internet radio station, where Disney music is played 24 hours a day. Music from films, tv, parks, and anything else Disney related is played, with station ids by Doobie et al.

It is awesome! Nice to have in the background at work with its very varied playlist. Enjoy!
Download quickly the free live365 interface (which works like a champ on my dsl connection).

One thing that's interesting is that Doobie & Reb are letting the Disneyoids like ourselves tape our own station Ids or do our programs. I'd like to hear the LandBaron Disney Lounge Lizard Hour...or maybe a Rumors Show with special host AV and On With the Show...or maybe The Disney Capitol Gang, moderated by DScoop.

Its a great way to read these boards with non-stop Disney music or theme park music playing in the background...anybody else listening to the station?
If you want Disney stations go to www.live365.com and edit for Disney. Its the only way to go..smjj
LP has an interesting concept with the programming, and they obviously paid to have no ads for their broadcasts. I just wish the bitrate was a little higher quality.


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