Disney merchandise

Kathy N C

Earning My Ears
Oct 6, 2000
Does anyone know a phone number where I can order Disney merchandise I saw in MK? If so please post. Thanks!

Poly 94
Poly 97
GF 00
I don't rememebr that answer to this, but I had the same simular problem. I contacted Disney.com where it says contact us. I was able to get help that way. If someone else out there has a better suggestion, then count this post as being Bumped up :) Gerri

Do you mean you want to call a store in MK? My mom does that a lot! She likes to call the stores inside MK and Disneyland and have them ship her stuff directly. If that is what you mean, I don't have those phone #'s and mom is out of town. But let me know, and I'll see what I can do when she returns on Sunday. :)


<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
The phone # I posted is the number to call for purchasing anything inside the parks or resorts or anywhere on WDW property.

~ Donna ~

Hello all you lurkers out there


July 2001 Glo-Con **Y&B/DIS Con 2001...Yeah!!
at the Dolphin

WDW Vacation July 2000
Oh cool :cool: Donna! Thanks. :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
Actually, I thought I would share this, I could not find the Haunted Mansion Limited Edition
CD anywhere and had tried that number and they told me it was only sold in Disneyland.. Well, you know what I did, I called Disneyland, had them send not one but two.. One I am keeping as a collector's piece, the other is in my cd player in my car. For Haunted Mansion Fans, it is a great CD...

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