Disney Magic Parrothead Pirates in Paradise #2

Oh gosh I could not live without mine.. I like having it in case the school needs me and I am not home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess I'm old school......if you really need to talk to me you'll call me at home until I answer LOL
The ringtone is soo cool. I just called my phone.. I have to say it will freak people out I bet when they hear that going off in a store.....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao: :lmao:
I just had Bruce call my phone and he was like that is loud.....!!!!!!!!!
The ringtone is soo cool. I just called my phone.. I have to say it will freak people out I bet when they hear that going off in a store.....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao: :lmao:

no kidding!!! LOL.......especially to those who have no clue what it it!
I would have sworn that I had a cell number for you in my phone....Maybe, it is your home number in there then!!!!!!!!!

the one you have is our cell, but we don't have it on most of the time. Only when Denis travels that he turns it on!
goodnight Kristin!!! I have to get to bed...the boys have a bday party to go to tomorrow so I need to get them ready for that!
talk to you tomorrow:goodvibes
I think I may need to turn it down a bit.. or I may give someone a hard attack when they hear it go off!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL oh you're mean!!!! make sure it's not anyone with a heart condition!!!!!!!
I would have sworn that I had a cell number for you in my phone....Maybe, it is your home number in there then!!!!!!!!!
You probably have our cel number. We have one we just don't use it that much. It's actually out of time right now since it's a pay as you go. When I go on trips for work I add more time. Other than that the number stays active for 6 months so it lays dormant LOL
You probably have our cel number. We have one we just don't use it that much. It's actually out of time right now since it's a pay as you go. When I go on trips for work I add more time. Other than that the number stays active for 6 months so it lays dormant LOL

Good To know in case I ever called it....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good morning everyone!! I'm so tired this morning. I stayed up too late reading in bed and now I'm paying for it LOL

hope everyone has a good day!

When I look out this morning, it almost looks like spring! I am itching to get flowers in the ground again! I know it's still too soon though. I did see the display at Walmart where you can start your flowers and garden from seed....nah. I'll wait until the plants are out! LOL I have thought, since it looks like I won't be employed this summer, about putting together a small garden....in a kiddie pool. Sort of like container gardening. I could do a tomato bush, a few cucumber, squash and if I put it up against the fence, I could do runner beans..then they'd have a place to climb. I think that would about fill that up. Then maybe get a strawberry pot or 2. Maybe even get a blackberry or raspberry bush to plant in the back corner of our yard. We'll see.....I still have time to debate that!

On cell phones, I would be lost without mine! Steve has talked about canceling the house phone and just going to cell phones. My sister did when they moved, but they don't have kids. However, all 4 of us have phones now. My only hesitation is that, the county uses reverse 911 here. So, say the chemical plant had a leak and we had to shelter in place, then they would use reverse 911 to notify residence. They don't use cell phone numbers, just physical address. OR if I needed to call 911, it comes up on the caller ID with your address..won't do that on a cell phone. If someone in the house wasn't able to talk, but could dial, they would know where to go. Sooooo, for the $30 a month the cable company charges, I think it's worth it.

If you want more ringtones for your phone, got to www.myxer.com they have a TON of free ringtones! My favorite is the speil from the Monorail....please stand clear of the doors, por favor..... We were getting on an elevator at the hotel in Charlotte, NC, when there was a group of Mexican men, obviosely working in the area, that came towards the elevator. Connor was fumbling with his phone. As the door shut, I asked, what are you doing? Just then, he PLAYS the monorail speil! Thank goodness the doors had already shut! We were laughing but I would have been mortified had they heard that!!!

As much as I want that monkey bread, I am going to wait until tomorrow to make it. Connor will be home and it's suppose to be snowing, so it will be a nice warm, comfort food for then!

Not sure what's on the agenda for today! We ended up not doing anything on the "Honey Do" list, so I guess we'll get on it!

My neighbor said that the church is in need of a sub on Mon and Tues, they had called her and she was going to call back and tell them she couldn't, but that I could, but the supervisor didn't call me yesterday. If she doesn't call me on Monday morning, I am going to work on the boys bathroom...finish stripping the paper..shouldn't take long, it's a trim, then paint. They have gray fixtures, so we decided on ORANGE for the wall color! I think I am going to do one wall in a dark orange and the rest in like a creamscicle orange! Then get gray mats and towels! Cross your fingers! LOL

Make It Magical!! :wizard:


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