Disney Club

sweet princess

Earning My Ears
Jan 24, 2001
I'm interested in joining the Disney Club in order to save $ on hotel and restaurants, etc.

However, I haven't found anything that guarantees that I'll be able to save $ when I go in May. Is May considered on-season? Is there always a 10% discount even if your go during the busy season? What if you are already staying at one of the budget hotels?

Thanks for any and all help
I don't think there is anyway to know for sure you will get the discount - however, we have a group of 4 going and the discount on our passes more than paid for the card. I guess it depends on how many people are going and how long your stay is whether or not that would apply for you.
I decided on the DC due to the money saved at National with the EA and DC discounts. Plus the savings on our Unlimited Park Passes for 4 more than paid for the DC club. Hope this helps.
May is regular season at the value resorts and there is no room discount during that time. This holds true for the moderate resorts also. You may receive a discount at home-away-from-home and deluxe resorts during this time - IF they haven't sold out. Room discounts are limited.

You will save approximately 5% on the purchase of your passes with the Disney Club discount. That may be sufficient to pay for the card. I also use my discount at the local Disney Store (probably more than I need), which is 10% off most merchandise. You can also use your membership for 10% off merchandise purchases (over a certain amount, but the number escapes me) at the stores in Downtown Disney Marketplace.

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

I was having the same problem , did not know if it would be worth it for my upcoming trip in August, I decided to get it anyway and give it a try...well , I reserved one night at the POLY before we check in to the Contemporary amd the savings were over $60.00 already, so after paying for the card I still saved another $30.00.
I guess it all depends on what you use it for.
Not sure about May - but here is our experience, we are booked at the CONT in November for 7 nights in the Tower ($320.00 nite). Joined DC for $29.95 and applied it to my ressie. Was given a 20% discount $64 nite * 7 nites = $448 discount - I'll pay $30 for that everyday!

I'll do some checking to see what I can find out about May.....

<img width="60" height="68" src=Http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/glittermick.gif><img width="68" height="68" src=http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/TiggerFrog.gif>
<FONT color=darkblue size=2>Feb 1995 - Caribbean Beach</FONT>
<FONT color=cadetblue size=2>Feb 1997 - Port Orleans</FONT>
<FONT color=darkred size=2>Nov 1997 - Offsite</FONT>
<FONT color=darkgoldenrod size=2>Feb 2000 - Dixie Landings</FONT>
<FONT color=orangered size=2>Nov 2001 - Contemporary </FONT>

[This message was edited by WDWTREKKER on 02-15-01 at 11:32 PM.]
I investigated this very topic about the Diney Club. I called 1-800-492-6789 and asked for the resort I wanted to stay at. In my case that was the ASMo. (I can't recall if I was connected directly or if I had to call into a different number to talk to a ASMo. reservationist.) I then asked was kind of Disney Club discounts were available for my dates in May. There were none. This is different info than what I was told when I called the Disney Club.

I can't belive that this "Club" is so vague on what the discounts are. I suppose if you are going the right dates and staying at a higher class resort than the AS you might could save some money.

Another point I want to investigate is that I already have an Entertainment book. According to http://www.entertainment.com I can join the Diney Club for a discount. If that is true I may join. There are discounts for resturants. If the discounted price through Entertainment is around $25 I will do it. You can save about $6 off of a 5 day park hopper ticket through the club. I think that will pay for my family joining. Like I said, I have to investigate further.

Is it worth it for me to buy DC if I am staying at Shades of Green, buying my passes with a military discount, bought my plane tickets already, and have a reservation with Dollar for a mini van for for 10 days at $461 including fees and taxes.

My trip is planned between June 1 and June 2. The first 3 days are considered the tail end of Memorial week so the van rental is higher. The last week of our trip I recieved a rental of $209 with the FVG code.

Would the van be significantly cheaper with the DC at National? Where else could I use the discounts offered by the DC? Thanks for the help.

S far, the Disney Club sounds like a great offer, especially for a large family like mine. However, we went to WDW last year and are hoping to head to DL this year (in May). Can anyone tell me what type of discounts are available at DL? Tickets? Hotels? etc.

The Disney Club website is showing a special for members only 4/22-8/20 I think for Savanna View at AKL for $105. I've called CRO about it and it is not in their system yet but I'm on a phone list once it gets put in. So join DC on-line today and maybe you can get this too! Must have a DC# to get this.

<IMG height="85" SRC="http://www.isleofran.com/dis/f4i.gif">
<font size=2><font color=green><font face="Comic Sans MS">
DxL'95,PO'99& ASMo'00</font></font></font>
The DC offer for AKL is $105 per PERSON per night, based on double occupancy, so it's really $210 per night. Not bad, but not as good as the $179 rate some folks have gotten as an upsell recently.

'We're all here because we're not all there!'
Bucky LaRue

Disneyland 1956,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,70,75,77,78,84,86,89,99
WDW 79,81,83,91,92,94,95,96(3x),97,98,99,00
If you aren't happy with your disney club membership they will refund your money. Just a thought!

And I believe the Entertainment club discount is 20% off the membership.

You also get a Disney store discount.


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