Disney Club says no to Entertainment rate at Orlando area hotels


Nov 2, 1999
Here is the response from the Disney Club Entertaiment section to an E-mail I sent them asking if the DC card could be used for the Entertainment rate. It sounds like Disney will not approve the rate at hotels in their market area.

"Regarding your inquiry for hotels in the Orlando or Anaheim area; per Disney, they do not offer
the Entertainment 50% discount in either of these two areas. Disney would prefer that you use
their properties.

If you would like further information regarding rates and availability, for Disney/Orlando,
please call (800) 446-5365. For Disney/Anaheim, please call (800) 652-6244. Reservations will
be taken at either of these numbers."

Mary Kay
Customer Service Specialist
Entertainment Publications

Some who printed the page that showed the Hard Rock may still get it, but it has since been removed. I called the Hard Rock and they said the DC card would not work.
Like everything else at Disney and Universal you get a different answer every time you call, but I think I'll buy the E-Book just to be safe.


I'm just a Little Boy trapped in an Old Man's body.


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