Disney Club savings


Jan 18, 2002
I have a code **** that will save you $10 off the membership fee for the DC. I know it works because I just signed up. Now you don't have to belong to the right company to get $10 off.
:pinkbounc :smooth:
This is very timely! I actually got on the Budget Board today to see if I could get any info about the Disney Club. Embarrassed to say that I don't know much about it. Can anyone fill me in? What's the website for joining? Any other way of joining besides by internet? What's the annual cost, and what discount would it get me on park hopper passes? If I had a DC card, could I still buy tickets in advance from a Disney Store, or do you have to buy tickets at DW in order to present the card there?

I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me on this. And thanks for the code, reeddi! I wrote it down in case I wind up getting a DC card. :)
ok first things first......the website www.disneyclub.com
or you can buy one at the disney store. or you could call 1-800-654-6347

the cost is $39.95 to join. if you use the code from mousesavers you can get $10 off.
it gets you about a 5% discount on tickets. i think 10% on purchases made at TDS and you can also get a discount on disney packages and accomodations.

you can get the discount on the tickets at the disney store.
did i answer all of you questions????:D
Just to let you all know, after talking to our webmasters, I have edited out the code that was in the original post since we are unsure whether the code was meant for the general public.
Sorry :(
If you have an Entertainment 2002 Book, you will find a discount for the Disney Club Card.
Thanks very much, Angela! You answered all my questions, and you were very helpful. :)
The DC also has some very nice savings on rental cars from National. Just that discount paid for the membership fee, then I was able to get discounts on our APs, ect. Well worth the cost for us.

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