Disney Club - Impressions???


DIS Veteran
Aug 25, 2000
Well, by now those of us that have purchased the Disney Club card have had a chance to develop impressions about the value of the card. When you respond to the poll, please indicate if you had previously had a free Magic Kingdom Club card, or if you had paid for a Magic Kingdom Club card. (That will help in the analysis of benefits!! :D )
Thanks, in advance, for participating in my research!!

Oh, and if you wouldn't mind, will you share some of the discounts you have received with your card? That way we can compile all the information in one post. Thanks so much!
I think that the card will be more benificial to people with younger children. I don't buy much in the disney store anymore. The discount they offer on the room and the passes are comparable to the AAA so I think I wasted my money. I also won't pay for a vaction in advance. I don't get that at all so ...WASTED $$$
It's a wash. The DC card has the additional benefit of being an Entertainment card, with lots of hotel and restaurant discounts. (No hotel discounts in Orlando and Anaheim, except at the Swan/Dolphin.)

The MKC used to have discounts at several restaurants in each theme park. Last year's change to a free kid's meal or dessert wasn't so great, in my opinion.
I wasn't going to renew my card but changed my mind a couple of days ago for a couple of reasons:

(1) the toll free number, call me cheap but I don't like paying for long distance calls to make ps arrangements, making a change to a hotel accommodation or for any other reason when I need to call Disney so that was a factor for me;

(2) the discount on the hopper passes and/or APs. I know there are a few other places to get the discount such as AAA (yes I belong), this site and a few other places but that again was a factor in my renewing;

(3) the discount on merchandise in the stores;

(4) I know this one is probably silly to a lot of people but I like "belonging" to something Disney. I feel like I'm in a special club and since hubby won't consent to purchase DVC right now, this is as close to "owning" a piece of Mickey as I'm likely to get for a while. I enjoy just pulling the card out of my wallet and looking at it (told you this reason was silly).

(5) hoped for discounts on hotels at Disneyworld and Disneyland. I have noticed the latest "coupons" attached to the Disney catalogue have had a lot of deals on Disneyland stuff and we're considering a trip there soon.

I guess when I analyze all my reasons for renewing (and I did not have the free card previously by the way) my reasons may not be so great but they worked for me and I don't regret it. Now whether I'll renew next year is a different story. But I feel if nothing else, I would have bought the entertainment book (about $30) to get my wonderful SwanDolphin discount so for me, this year, I definitely came out ahead of the game.


CBR - 10/98
BC - 10/98
BC - 6/00
GF - 9/00
Dolphin - 6/01
I have paid for the MKC in the past. Used it primarily at the Disney Store & catalog and at meals & DD when at wdw. We only get to go to wdw every 2-3 years. My kids are teenagers now & we can't go except at expensive spring break or summer because our school system does not allow any excused absences & if you miss more than 10 days over the entire school year they start taking points off your grades!!!so we have never gotten great room deals. Last trip was spring 99, really enjoyed the benefits then of the special pins & free MK tours, discount at DQuest (not included in passes then)Wish perks like that now as we plan to go agin this summer.


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