disney authograph books


Earning My Ears
Jan 6, 2001
Does anyone know or has anyone seen the authograph book where the characters sign and a photo goes in next to the autographs....disneyland sells them but has anyone seen them at WDW. Checked with local disney store and they say that is an item you need to get at the parks? Any suggestions or ideas or locations where you have found these? Thanks :rolleyes:
Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you. I've never seen anything like that or anyone that had anything like that, but I'd like to know if there is such a book. It sounds great!
I haven`t seen them, but if you can`t find them you might want to do what we do. I take the pictures with a digital camera and then paste the pictures of the kids with the character on the page beside the autograph. If you don`t have a digital camera just photo copy the pictures and paste.
My kids love it.
It`s a fun thing to do when you get home from your trip.


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