Disney Auctions


<a href="http://www.wdwinfo.com/dis-sponsor/" targ
Jan 27, 2002
I read somewhere recently (I think it was in the unofficial guide to WDW) about auctions held by disney every so often, they sell props etc. and lost property. Anyone got any further information.
I think the auctions you are wanting can be found going through Ebay.
They aren't cheap, no surprise.
With as many number of U.S. DS closings as there has been, they should have PLENTY to auction! ;)
Actually, these are different auctions that are being written about in Birnbaum's. Our company (we're based in Orlando) is actually planning to visit the next auction, which are held every few months by the Walt Disney World Property Control Department. They auction off items from old busses to computers, desks, odds and end props from around the property, etc.
Thanks Figmentocks - any idea how I find out more information for them.


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