Disney AND Dolly???????????


DIS Veteran
Jul 10, 2002
A friend of mine just informed me that Dolly Parton is opening one of her Dixie Stampede Dinner shows on Vineland in Orlando in May '03! Wow, is Orlando a hot spot or what? I would probably go except the Medeival Times proved to me that horses and dinner shows don't mix very well.:rolleyes:
I would probably go except the Medeival Times proved to me that horses and dinner shows don't mix very well.

Haha! I never thought about going to Medeival Times before, but now I know I don't want to go!! LOL!!! :teeth:
We love going to the Stampede. It is a fun (but expensive) dinner and show. We ususally go 2 times a year. One for the regular show and another at Christmas for that show. The Christmas one is very moving! We have sat all over that area and have never had trouble with dinner and horses. (BTW. since DH works at Doolywood , we get a super discount!)


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