Discovery Magic plan or Connections vouchers?

The Magical Wishes equate to approximately $33 per wish. You can order appetizer, entree, dessert and non-alcoholic drink with the Magical Wish and it includes tax and gratuity.
The Connections quick and casual lunch vouchers are $11 and good at counter-service restaurants. They include drink, "entree and side" and dessert. The more expensive "lunch only" vouchers (for some reason, their name escapes me), good at virtually all sit-down lunch restaurants in WDW, include features similar to the Magic Wish--appetizer, entree, dessert, drink--but cost only $29, also including tax and tip.

For we who eat our main meal at lunch anyway, the Connections lunch vouchers offer a savings over the Discovery Magic plan. We prefer using the Quick and Casual vouchers in the evening--often using only one voucher and splitting the meal. We, too, like having food basically paid for up front.

Good luck deciding what's right for you!


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