Discover Card Discount


Earning My Ears
Mar 8, 2000
I seem to remember that if you bought USF/IOA tickets with your Discover card you got two days for the price of one! Does anyone know if that offer is still valid (or has anyone heard of it before?)
Hi, Unfreshdiva!

I had to go back to the old boards to find my original post on this...

For the official info Click here, click on Orlando, then on the Discover Card Third Day free ticket...

It states the tickets expires 30 days after the first use.

Hope that helps!
Yes, it's still going. I got the card, applied over web page, bought tickets, they came yesterday, took like a week from ordering. This is a deal not so much as for what the third day costs as for what it would cost to do like MK for a day, there's five of us $250, we decided to skip the mouse and do the free day.We did it in two days last year, that's alot of ground to cover in that time, hopefully the extra day will allow us more time to slow down a bit..
Thanks for the help! Going back at Thanksgiving this year and we planned on spending 1-2 days at USF/IOA and the rest of the week at Disney (renewing our annual passes). 3 days is too much, but maybe this lottery ticket deal will be the way to go!
Do you have to buy the tickets beforehand to get this deal, or can I buy them when I get to Universal? Thanks!
Couldn't find the link from the 2nd reply posted but did manage to find these two sites with info..

You can buy them at the gate or in advance and get this deal. It is good (for now) up until 12/20/01. The extra ticket expires 30 days after the first one is used..

This deal leads me to another ?... is it worth it to get a third day at IOA/USF (which we were going to spend at Wet n Wild instead) or should two days with FOTL be enough (a Fri and Sat)??? I am thinking with FOTL and park hopping (tm) that 2 days should be plenty (better be for what I paid for the Hard Rock.. :D )

As mentioned in another reply, i think the lotto deal, if true, would definitely trump this one...

Originally posted by gdg
Couldn't find the link from the 2nd reply posted but did manage to find these two sites with info..

You can buy them at the gate or in advance and get this deal. It is good (for now) up until 12/20/01. The extra ticket expires 30 days after the first one is used..


Hi drew, I am kinda confused now. Does this mean with
the Discover card, the extra ticket must be used within 30 days,
but the 2nd ticket does not expires?
From all that I have read I am pretty sure that if you want to get the third free day, you must use all three tickets within thirty days of using the first one.

The way I see it, the 1st and 2nd day tickets never expire (as they shouldn't since you would be paying full price). You can use these whenever you want but the only way to get the 3rd one free is to use them all within thirty days.

I assume they must be used sequentially otherwise the 3rd day limitation is pretty much irrelevant.

If anyone is more in the know, feel free to correct.

hope this helps
Drew, that makes sense. That helps.
With a free third day, we can spread our
our US/IOA visits into 3 days instead of 2.
eyeore100 :)
I think we got a pretty good deal. We booked about 1 and 1/2 weeks ago and just got the resessies in the mail today! The cost for four:


this also includes:

a meal at Hard Rock Cafe or another rest. for us all
2 souvenirs for the kids
3 days at US/IOA and we can go from park-park
No wait lines
Early day entry

It really was easy...just called and gave them my discover card and "poof"!

Hope this helps!

:pinkbounc :earsgirl: :wave: :bounce: :earsboy: :sunny:


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