Discover Card 3rd Day free, let me see if I have this straight...


Supreme God of All Things Disney!
Dec 7, 1999
We'll be staying at the HRH and going to Universal this September. If I order our 2-Day tickets today using my Discover Card, I'll get a 3 day pass that will still be good this September, but once we use one day on it, the free 3rd day expires 30 days after that. I just want to be sure that if I order them today, they still will be good in September - just trying to spread out the vacation costs a bit. Please let me know if I have this straight.

Thanks! :)
For the official info Click here, click on Orlando, then on the Discover Card Third Day free ticket...

It states the tickets expires 30 days after the first use.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Just ordered mine this morning. They said the tickets expire in Dec. 2001. The 3rd day free expires 30 days after you use the first day.
I think this is the best deal going in Florida other than the Florida resident hoppers, since I'm from Texas its hard to beat. For five of us it would cost $250+ for that extra day at disney,I think they could learn alot, I think its ridiculous what they charge for the hotels around the MK but yet no FOTL priviledges.Universal getting my $$$ this summer,its a deal, go for it..
Travelocity and AmericanAirlines is also offering this 2 day get the 3rd day free pass with their vacation packages...I think 5/31 is the deadline for booking.
Thanks for answering my same exact question. I was going to buy from Ticketmania but the Discover card deal sounded better but I wasn't clear on the restrictions either. Thanks
The tickets don't have an expiration date, so until you use them the 30 days doesn't start to run. I asked because you never know what will happen with a family of five...


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