Discount Tickets Via


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
Being an eternal penny pincher, I have been looking for discount 1-day IOA tickets. I am a Fan Club member but was told the discounts are only for multi-day tickets unless you are a FL resident. We can only spend part of one day, so multi-day is useless. I found some places on the web, but shipping costs usually eat up the savings. One site (I think it is is offering free shipping. Anyone have any feedback before I place the order? I have never ordered tickets like this before--we usually do the Thrillseekers VIP Tour, but due to a leg injury I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with the group or go on all the rides this time. I think the price is $47 w/shipping.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at:
Many of us have purchased tickets from Ticketmania and are extremely pleased. Unexpensive, free shipping, and tons of brochures. Do a search on 'Ticketmanai' and you will see ONLY positive comments. I highly recommend going with them.
Ticketmania shipped our tickets so quickly...they arrived in 4 days! Plus they sent us adult passes even though we ordered kids passes (at kid prices). I don't know if that's usual though.


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